I'm not going to lie, a million emotions ran through my mind when we found out, but happiness stuck out the most. Yes, we're scared, but we can do it together. I believe that.
We're currently at my OB/GYN's office. We get to hear our baby's heartbeat today, which has both of us beyond excited. This child already has me wrapped around it's finger even though it's barely formed yet. It's a part of me and the man I love the most.
"Y/N Way?" I heard my name called. Gee and I stood up and followed the nurse back to the exam room. "Just lay down right there and the doctor will be in in a moment." She gave us a kind smile and left, closing the door behind her.
"I'm so excited!" Gerard squealed. I giggled at his giddiness and grabbed his hand.
"I am too, baby." I beamed at him. We heard a knock on the door, followed by my doctor coming in and greeting us.
"Mr. and Mrs. Way, it's nice to see you again! How are we feeling?" She asked.
"Very excited! Especially him, he's been vibrating the entire time." I laughed. She smiled widely as she pulled out the fetal doppler.
"Let's do this then, shall we?" We both nodded with glee as she placed the probe on my slightly swollen stomach. She moved it around a few times before we finally heard it. Our baby.
Tears filled my eyes as my smile grew wider. I looked over at Gerard who had the same exact expression as me. He leaned over and kissed me lightly, our smiles never leaving our faces. Hearing the heartbeat made it even more real.
"The beat is at 140bpm. Everything seems to be going well. Congratulations, you two." Dr. Barco said as we cried tears of joy.
I can't explain the feeling I have right now. It's like everything I've ever wanted in life is finally happening. I'm sure Gerard would agree with me if I said this is the best thing to ever happen to us, even greater than our love.
After the appointment, we met Ray, Mikey, and Frank at a local coffee shop. We walked through the doors and were immediately attacked by the men. The five of us joined together in a group hug, then went over to the booth they were previously seated at.
"So how did it go?" Frank and Ray asked at the same time, causing us to laugh.
"It was amazing. I can't even begin to describe how amazing it was." Gerard answered. His eyes lit up with joy when he thought of the moment, which melted my heart.
"She said everything seems to be going great! The heart rate is healthy and it seems to be growing perfectly." I grinned widely. "The fans are going to find out soon though. I can't hide this bump forever."
"I'm sure they'll be ecstatic as well." Mikey chimed in.
We spent a solid two hours in that booth chatting about everything. Ray and Christa finally moved in together, Frank was planning on proposing to Jamia, Mikey was ready to be an uncle. We talked about names, themes for the nursery, the future for the band. I never wanted it to end, but it had to.
"Well, we should probably get going before they kick us out." Mikey stated. We all nodded in agreement and slid out of the booth. We all hugged again before parting ways, going to our separate vehicles.
I never let go of Gerard's hand as we drove home. The drive was a little farther since we lived outside of the city, but we didn't mind. We always found long drives peaceful. Whether we talked the entire time, sang along to whatever songs we played, or simply embraced each other's company, it was always peaceful.
Until it wasn't.
The light was green, so like any driver, we went through like we're supposed to. Unfortunately, the driver on the left side of the intersection didn't get that memo.
"Look out!" I screamed. He tried swerving, but they still hit us, and they hit us hard.
I never let go of Gerard's hand as we drove home. Not when it was peaceful, not when we were hit, not when we rolled three times, and not while I dug the phone out of my unconscious husband's pocket.
"Nine one one, what's you're emergency?" The operator asked as she answered.
"Help, my husband and I were just in an accident. He's unconscious, I'm not sure about the guy that hit us. We're on Vermont Avenue. Please hurry." I said through tears. "Gerard, baby, please wake up. Please please please." I felt for a pulse, which I thankfully found.
It felt like we were stuck in the car for hours before they arrived. The EMT's managed to get me out first, but they entire team had to break Gerard's door off in order to get him out. I cried as I watched them move him onto the stretcher.
Then all I felt was pain. Everything faded to blackness as I collapsed.
Aaaaaye, yeah, some shit is going down. I'm sorry that I'm going to break your heart for a little bit.

Hard To Love
FanfictionY/N L/N and Gerard Way, both lead singers of My Chemical Romance, have an.. interesting.. relationship, to say the least. Everyone thinks they hate each other, but how do they really feel?