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( 002 ) burgers and coffee

( 002 ) burgers and coffee

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JACKSON SLAMMED THE DOOR SHUT behind him as he left the flat. the faint sound of his father telling him off for being rough with the door could be heard as he skipped down the steps to the car park below the flats and the second he reached the car park, his skateboard was on the ground and he was riding off towards Pops.

the bell above his head went off as he pushed the door open, Pop Tate glancing up to see who had just entered his Chock'lit shoppe. Jackson smiled slightly at the man and approached him.

"hey, kiddo. you're in late. thought school had drained you."

Jackson chuckled, "nah. I just took a joy ride around town. took some pictures and stuff. could I please have my usual?" Jackson asked the elder, Pop nodding and writing down Jacksons usual order on a note pad and disappearing into the kitchen.

Jackson turned around and started to make his way towards his regular booth. he stopped, though, and frowned at realising it was occupied. Jughead Jones sat in the booth, laptop in front of him and coffee beside the laptop.

"Jughead." Jackson greeted and slipped into the booth. Jughead looked up and gave Jackson a small smile. "you don't strike me for a coffee kind of guy."


"nope." Jackson shook his head and placed his elbows on the table, crossing them, "more of a milkshake person. chocolate milkshake to be exact."

Hermione Lodge placed down a cup in front of Jackson and filled it with coffee. Jackson thanked the woman and took a sip from his coffee, raising an eyebrow at Jughead.

"what're you working on?" he asked as Jughead continued to type away on his laptop. Pop Tate placed down Jacksons burger in front of him, Jackson thanking the man and shoving a few fries into his mouth.

"a novel. its about this summer," Jughead took a small pause before continuing, "and Jason Blossom."

"he's that redheads brother, right?" Jughead nodded in response, confirming Jacksons question. the two then sat and got to know each other. Jughead took a liking in the boy. he found him interesting, really. Jackson wasn't like most of the kids at Riverdale high. he was blunt, sarcastic and had an odd sense of humour. Jackson finished off his burger and coffee, as well as his fries and slid out of the booth. he threw the strap of his backpack over his shoulder and picked up his skateboard.

"until next time Jones." Jackson awkwardly saluted the boy and paid for his food before leaving the diner. Jackson dropped his skateboard to the ground the second he reached the car park, riding off down the road.

Jackson always loved riding during the night. it was calming in a way. his mother hated it, though. she always said that the boy would end up getting himself kidnapped and murdered. Jacksons father, however, couldn't care less. just as long he knew his son had came home during that day, Jackson could do whatever he wanted.

Jackson checked his pockets for his keys, mentally patting himself on the back for actually grabbing them before he left the flat. he unlocked the door and pushed through, the door bashing against the wall as the handle slipped from his fingers.

"Jackson fucking Doherty! what did i say about slamming that damn door around!?"

Jackson winced and quickly slipped into his bedroom by the front door. maybe if he didn't speak his father would think he's dreaming and Jackson was never in the flat. though, that wasn't the case, because as he turned around he was faced with his dad.

Joshua Doherty was an intimidating man. ranging from his arms and legs filled to the brim with tattoos to the ice cold blue eyes he had, unlike Jacksons brown ones, everyone would be intimidated by the man.

"hi, dad." Jackson smiled sheepishly at the man, "how was your day?"

"great until you slammed the door."

Jackson winced, "sorry?" he offered and watched his fathers face turn from angry to a large smile.

"dont let it happen again." Joshua warned and went back to the lounge. sighing to himself in relief, Jackson grabbed his laptop and went out to join his father.

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