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( 006 ) lunch with the Montgomerys

( 006 ) lunch with the Montgomerys

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JACKSON LAUGHED AT HIS FATHER as the man danced around their flat to Houdini. Joshua had come home from the Wyrm in a happy mood. he was practically bouncing off the walls. Jackson had never seen him so active before.

"dad. dad!" Jackson shouted to get his dads attention. Joshua stopped in his tracks and looked at his son with the most offended look. Jackson held back his laugh and Joshua turned down the music. "we've been invited to the Montgomerys lunch thing tomorrow."

"we've?" Joshua spun around to face his son. "why am I invited?"

"I don't know. Kayden didn't know the answer to that." Jackson then pointed at the radio behind his dad, "so, whats got you in a 'i'm going to throw myself around the lounge' mood, huh?"

"i got a job." Joshua announced happily. Jackson smiled at his father, proud of the older man.

"where at?" Jackson asked as he made his way to the kitchen. he pulled open the fridge iand grabbed a coca cola can.

"the Mantles car dealership. Luxury Car Jamboree? i don't know. i work in the workshop side of the place."

"well," Jackson grabbed his phone and dialled Pops number, "this calls for a celebration."


walking into the Montgomerys home only to be greeted with, "oh, my god. Joshua Doherty! how are you!?" from Kaydens over energetic grandma was a surprise to Jackson. especially when the elder threw her arms around Joshua and squeezed him half to death.

"hi, Ms Val." Joshua greeted the women when they pulled away. Joshua gestured to Ms Val, "Jackson. this is Ms Val. she used to babysit me and a few other serpent kids on weekends."

"oh, its just Val or Vallie. you want know who was the biggest pain in the ass?" Val rhetorically asked Jackson. she then pointed to Joshua, "your bloody father."

Jackson laughed and raised his eyebrows at his father, "and he told me he was a golden child."

Val waved him off with a scoff, "golden at being a little shit i'd say."

Jackson laughed, as well as Val and Joshua, and they all got seated at the Montgomerys outdoor lounge.

"where's Oliver?" Kayden asked his grandma.

Val shrugged and took a sip of whatever alcohol she had in her cup, "he told me he had something important to do before coming here. a job for the Serpents, i think." Val then turned to Jackson, "do you know my grandson? oh, boy. lemme tell ya, he's nothing but a little shit head. getting into fights and smoking." Val then laughed to herself and shook her head, "wouldn't be surprised if that boy has gotten someone pregnant, already."

"oh, come on now, gran," Jackson heard from behind him. the voice was immediately recognised as the Serpent who kneed him in the head a few nights ago. "you know you love me." Sweet Pea walked around the table to his grandma and kissed her forehead. he then gave everyone else a forced smile, except Jackson and Joshua, and sat down between Val and Kayden.

"well, now that everyones here, guess we should start on lunch. Joshua, would you mind helping me with the barbecue?" Kaydens dad asked as he stood up. Joshua nodded and practically waddled after Kaydens dad.

Kaydens mother and Val went inside to make up some salads for the lunch whilst Kayden, Sweet Pea and Jackson all stayed where they were seated.

Kayden turned to Sweet Pea and held out his hand with an expectant look. Sweet Pea frowned at him, confused, "what?"

"hand it over."

realisation seemed to hit Sweet Pea and his eyes widened just the slightest. but, he continued to play dumb. "i have no idea what your talking about. you're crazy, Kay."

Kayden just rolled his eyes and shoved his hand into Sweet Pea's sleeveless denim jacket and pulled out a baggie with a couple weed buds in it.

Kayden held the baggie up with raised eyebrows, "you know my dad will burn this shit if he sees it."

"well stop waving it around then you dingus!" Jackson held back his laugh at Kaydens face at being called 'dingus' and leaned forward to snatch the baggie out of Kaydens hand.

"natural or hydro, huh?" Jackson asked curiously. he knew a fair bit about weed, especially since his dad dealt it for the serpents occasionally for some extra cash.

Sweet Pea scoffed, "natural," he took his weed back with a glare and shoved it back into his jacket pocket. "wanna get hi-"

"no." Kayden immediately cut off the serpent and shook his head. "absolutely not."

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at Kayden and slumped back in his seat, flipping Kayden off. Jackson glanced back and forth between the cousins as they began to have an argument over marijuana.


as soon as the food was placed on the table, everyone went silent. all enjoyed the amazing food. no Sweet Pea and Kayden fighting, no dad talk between Kaydens dad and Joshua, no Val ranting about how much of an asshole Joshua was when he was younger. it was peaceful. until Sweet Pea brought up Jacksons already healed black eye.

"sorry about kneeing you in the eye."

Kayden looked to Jackson with a raised eyebrow, "thought you ran into a door." he muttered, shoving some tomato into his mouth.

"he could identify as a door." Jackson shrugged before basically stuffing his whole burger into his mouth.

Jacksons phone started to ring, breaking the awkward silence that had overcame them. he checked the called ID, seeing the name 'Jughead' across the top of the screen. Jackson frowned. Jughead only ever called him for the homework answers, and he had already called for those.

"i've gotta take this. i'll be back." Jackson excused himself and walked out front of the house. he answered the call and brought it up to his ear, "Jughead?"

"it's Betty, actually. could you come to Thornhill?"

Jackson looked back at the house then to his dads car. "yeah, i'll be right there. is there a dress code?" he asked jokingly as he opened the door to his dads ute and grabbed his skateboard, slamming it shut behind him.

"yeah. funeral."

a/n im sorry this sucks ass and that it took me so long to update. it's been a busy few weeks. i havent had the time to write recently.

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