twenty eight | part two

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a/n  hello i'm changing the update time again. the updates will be weekly still but they'll be posted at random pretty much. mainly from thursday - sunday, though. hope thats okay! :) 
this is super fucking short but i promise later on there'll be a proper update. this was supposed to be added onto chapter twenty eight but i forgot to get it from my notes so i thought i'd post it now. 


he was fucked. 

really fucking fucked. 

more fucked then when his mum found out he smoked. 


"what the fuck, Jackson?!" Joshua shouted, in the middle of the Whyte Wyrm car park. a few Serpents who were out having a cigarette decided to have a sticky beak and stare over at them. Joshua didnt seem to care about their prying eyes but Jackson did. 

"you're a fucking Serpent now? except, it doesnt fucking stop there because, shock horror, he's the new fucking co-leader and, of course, has my goddamn jacket!" the more Joshua yelled, the more guilt Jackson felt. "what the fuck are you gonna tell your boyfriend? or your mother? Kayden, Benji? you'll be sent back to LA if your mum finds out! its goodbye to Riverdale forever. goodbye to your father forever."

"i fucking know! that's why it needs to be kept secret, dad, that's why i didn't fucking tell you or Pea or anyone!" Jackson snapped, "you need to keep this to yourself. if not for me then for the fact that you'll never be able to see me again if mum magically finds out."

Jackson was blackmailing his dad. he would be the reason his mum magically found out he was the co-leader and his dad knew he would tell her the truth just to fuck him over. 

"wanna be a cunt? fine by me because that just means you're grounded for the next month! get your fucking ass in the car."

the drive home was silent. Jackson was glad it was not even a ten minute drive. he probably wouldve thrown himself out of the window if it was longer. 

"get your fucking laptop and phone and put it on the kitchen bench," Jackson did as told, even grabbed the remote to his TV on his way out and put it all on the bench. "you will only leave this house for school and doctors appointments and you aren't allowed to see Kayden or Sweet Pea or any of your other Northsider friends until i say so. are we clear?"

"i really think you're overreacting-"  Joshua slammed his hands down on the bench at Jacksons words making him jump. it even startled Layne - who was sitting at the dining table on skype with her boyfriend from London. 

"shut up. i think im reacting perfectly fucking rational. get out of my sight."

Jackson just muttered a quite "sorry," and made his way to his bedroom. he closed his bedroom door gently, not wanting to set off Joshua even more and collapsed onto his bed. he hissed in pain as his ribs began to ache. 

"fuck me," he groaned and turned over onto his back, covering his face with his hands. realising he had nothing better to do than sleep, he changed into some clean boxers and Sweet Peas hoodie before getting under the covers and falling asleep with great difficulty because for the first time in a week he was falling asleep without his baby with him.  

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