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( 009 ) the red haired beauty has a fun side after all

CHERYL ENDED UP ROCKING UP to Pops half an hour earlier than six-ish after she completely forgot the time she was supposed to get there

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CHERYL ENDED UP ROCKING UP to Pops half an hour earlier than six-ish after she completely forgot the time she was supposed to get there. she wore the most casual clothing, casual being black jeans and a white long sleeve shirt with a red jacket due to it being cold out, expecting to just be staying in at Pops. though, Jackson had other ideas. when he finally arrived to Pops at ten past six wearing a black leather jacket over a bright orange hoodie and black jeans, he was reading for an adventure.

"ready for an adventure, Blossom?" Jackson asked the redhead with a giddy smile once the girl had met him outside. Cheryl had no choice but to go on this 'adventure' with the Doherty boy. who knows, maybe she'd enjoy herself.

Jackson handed Cheryl a skateboard and she took it with hesitance, "how do i...?"

glancing down at her shoes, he sighed in somewhat relief seeing she was in hightop converse instead of heels. he smiled at her, "c'mon, i'll teach you. theres a skate park just inside the Southsi-"

"Southside!? Jackson, theres criminals there!" Cheryl shut down the idea of going to the Southside immediately. "what if we get jumped or something worse?"

Jackson held back his laugh at her face and grabbed her shoulders, keeping her still, and reassured her, "during the summer, and recently too, i went there around this time almost every day. no one was there. alright? so, will you stop fussing and start moving? losen up a little, yeah?"

it was silent between the two as Cheryl thought it over. she hardly knew Jackson but he gave off a certain type of vibe. she had a weird feeling that she could trust him with her deepest secrets and he wouldn't judge her one bit for them.

so, Cheryl nodded, "alright. teach me how to skate, Doherty." and at her words Jackson beamed and started to skip off towards the tracks. Cheryl chuckled as the long haired boy tripped a couple of times and followed after him.


"Cheryl! Cheryl, are you okay?" Jackson asked the redhead who was now sprawled across the skate park cement. she was giggling to herself and Jackson didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Jackson grabbed her hands and pulled her into a sitting position, plopping down in front of her her.

"Cheryl, are. you. o-kay?" spacing out the words so she could understand him through her laughter, Jackson stared at her concerned.

"yeah. yes. i'm okay. lets do it again." Jackson chuckled at Cheryl and pulled her to her feet and handed her her board. they'd been at the skate park for a little over three hours and Cheryl was very slowly getting the hang of it. slowly being she could only move if she was holding onto Jackson.

"you think you're ready to skate through town now?" Jackson asked her. he had no problem with Cheryl clutching onto his arm. he just wanted her to have some fun.

"i cant even balance myself."

"you can hold my hand if that makes you feel better." Jackson teased the redhead and with a sigh, Cheryl nodded.

"where are we going?"


somewhere was everywhere. Jackson took Cheryl to all his secret spots around the place, avoiding Sweetwater River as much as possible. he didn't want to make Cheryl feel uncomfortable. eventually, they ended up at the quarry, a place Jackson had stumbled upon in the last week of summer break.

"this place looks disgusting." Cheryls face scrunched up in disgust and Jackson chuckled, pulling his shirt off. "oh, no no no. we're not- i'm not swimming in that."

"its clean, though!"

"you dont know that." Cheryl protested, "just go to Sweetwater if you want to swim."

"but we're already here." Jackson smirked and fell backwards into the water in just his underwear. Cheryl gasped and ran over to the waters edge and waited for Jackson to resurface.

Jackson had been under for almost a minute now and Cheryls nerves were beginning to get to her. her lips being attacked by her fingers as she waited for the boy to resurface. finally, she heard a splash and the second she did, she was covered in water from Jackson splashing her.

gasping in shock she gave a laughing Jackson the finger, "you ass!"

a/n this was supposed to be a lot longer and posted a lot earlier

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