twenty eight

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a/n  i'm so sorry for the late update 🖤
the flashbacks (italics) are in jacksons pov and the rest is in third person :)

Jacksons leg was bouncing very aggressively. it wasn't stopping anytime soon by the looks of it. could've powered a whole shopping mall if it wanted too. his day seemed to filled with activities that put him just a millisecond away from a panic attack.

first, his mothers arrival.

"mum!" I didn't even give it a second thought before I wrapped my mum in a tight hug. my broken arm squished between us due to the sling holding it against my body. as much as I wished she didn't show up, i still really fucking missed her.

"i missed you, my baby," Mum squeezed me tightly and pressed a kiss to my hair. she was wearing her heels making her taller than me.

"i missed you too, Mum," we pulled away from our hug and i led her into the kitchen/lounge room/dining room area where Dad and Sweet Pea were sitting.

"hi, Layne," dad smiled kindly at my mum. i knew he wanted to get on somewhat good terms with mum. hopefully mum had the same mindset. 

"Josh," she nodded stiffly and forced a smile at him. at least she was trying. her brown eyes shifted to Sweet Pea, who was sat on the bean bag in the corner of the lounge. 

Sweet Pea gave her a little wave, "hi, i'm Oliver."

I knew how uncomfortable his real name made him, so why did he use it? I frowned at him and mouthed 'Oliver?' to him. he just shrugged and shifted in his seat. 

"he prefers being called Sweet Pea, though, mum," I told her. Sweet Pea shot a thankful smile at me. 

"i'm Layne. nice to meet you."

"its nice to meet you, too, Layne."

second, coming out to his mother (which he didn't end up doing, by the way).

i was freaking out. I think Sweet Pea easily picked up on my panicky state due to my nonstop talking. it was really just a blabber of random words that probably didn't even make sense. 

"Jack, baby, you gotta calm down before you have a panic attack," Sweet Pea told me calmly. I just nodded repeatedly making him sigh and pull me to my feet. "I'm good to hug you yeah?"

I just nodded and let him wrap me into a hug in the middle of my bedroom. my arms circled around his waist as I buried my face into his shoulder. his arms stayed wrapped firmly around my shoulders and behind my neck. 

and sweet baby jesus, I felt so fucking safe with him. 

he swayed us a little and started moving us in a little circle. I laughed as we tilted from side to side more and more each time we moved. he pressed a kiss to my head when we stopped moving and my eyes closed at the sweet sweet feeling just a simple kiss gave me. 

"you know you don't have to come out today, yeah? you can wait until you know you're ready."

I just nodded into his shoulder.

"I know," I whispered, "i think i will just wait a few days. let mum get settled in first. hey, Pea?"

"yeah, baby?"

i bit my lip and thought over what i was about to ask. what are we? the question had been hanging around in my head ever since that nurse mistook us for boyfriends. i wont lie and say the thought of being able to call Sweet Pea mine didnt give me an unexplainable feeling of happiness. 

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