twenty two

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trigger warning  abuse

Kayden Montgomery. everyone saw him as the perfect genius kid who bounced around the halls with a perfect, happy smile dancing over his lips. he was the happiest of the happiest with the perfect parents who had a few thousand dollars in their back pockets and A's on every. single. subject.

Kayden tried to be as happy as possible just to keep up his perfect image. but behind all the happy smiles and "perfectness" Kayden was so fucking broken. he was buried inside a never ending pit of stupid not-so-perfect insecurities and depression.

Kayden stared at himself through his mirror. the stupid fucking mirror that he really needed to get out of his bedroom. he looked like absolute shit. the bags under his eyes were scarily visible and the bruise in the shape of a hand was so obvious. it didn't take a genius to figure out what his mother did to him.

"Kayden Jace Montgomery," Jackson sing-songed as he barged into Kaydens room. Kayden laughed quietly at his best friend as he threw himself onto the unmade bed and reached over for his hoodie that he knew covered his neck and slipped it on over his singlet. he turned to face his best friend who was dressed in a pastel pink hoodie that almost reached his knees and some blue jeans. Kayden raised his eyebrow at the hoodie.

"that is not your hoodie," Kayden stated as he walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs just by his bedroom door. Jackson jumped up from the bed and skipped down the steps after Kayden into the kitchen. "how did you get into my house?"

"your mum let me in," Jackson shrugged and jumped up onto one of the stools. Kayden grabbed a small packet of mini cookies and ripped it open. he threw Jackson a pack of the mini oreos he knew he liked and pushed himself up onto the counter.

Kaydens eyes shifted down to Jacksons neck where two fresh hickeys sat. one just above his collarbone and then another just above it. Kayden pointed at the bruises with a smirk dancing over his lips, "you fucking a vampire, Doherty?"

Jackson frowned at his friend and his hand flew to his neck where Kayden was pointing.

"he left hickeys? oh god-" Jackson pulled out his phone and clicked it on, swiping over so the camera opened up and his widened at the two deep purple hickeys. Kayden was watching him amused. he was always amused. "Jesus Christ. I am going to fucking kill him."

"him?" Kayden questioned as he followed Jackson out of his house. "Jackson, are you bi or-?"

"i'm gay!" Jackson shouted over his shoulder as he stormed down the Montgomerys driveway with his skateboard in hand. Kayden was a little taken back by Jacksons rather aggressive coming out but he had a slight feeling. he'd always catch Jackson checking him out when he thought he was being discreet. it was pretty funny to Kayden.

"now, Kayds, are you joining me on murdering your cousin or are you going to just follow me around and look pretty?"

"my cousin-? youre fucking Oliver!?"

"Sweet Pea," Jackson corrected quietly, "yes- no, no!" Jackson stopped at the end of the driveway and Kayden caught up to the boy. surprisingly, he wasn't mad about Jackson and his cousin screwing. both Jackson and Sweet Pea deserved to be happy and if that meant being with the other than Kayden was okay with that. "no. i'm not- i'm not fucking him."

"how'd you get the hickeys then?" Kayden raised his eyebrow at his friend a teasing smirk on his face as he watched Jackson turn pink. he looked down at his feet looking rather conflicted. they stood for a good second before Jackson was spilling out what happened with Sweet Pea much to Kaydens amusement.

"I sucked him off in the Whyte Wyrms cold room," he confessed and he looked down at his feet again with his lips pulled between his teeth a fond smile on his lips, "then we dry humped and I had to stay in cum covered boxers for an hour until we got back to Sweet Peas trailer to shower."

"Oliver owns a pink hoodie?" Kayden asked with his face scrunched up. his cousin always just screamed toxic masculinity. he was the type of person who wouldn't be caught dead wearing 'girly colours'. to Kayden anyways. he knew he knew less about Sweet Pea than Jackson. he liked to think he knew Sweet Pea more than anyone but it wasn't true. he barely knew his cousin yet a boy who had only been in Sweet Peas life for around a month knew more about his own cousin than he did and it was quite embarrassing, really. it was his fault. he never made the effort to get close to Sweet Pea, especially after Sweet Pea joined the Serpents.

"t'yeah. used to. I own it now," Jackson chuckled. Kayden just shook his head at his friend and followed him aimlessly as he walked the streets of Riverdale.

"are we actually going to go to Olivers?"

"nope. we're actually going to Pops- oh look! its right in front of us," Jackson exclaimed happily and he skipped towards the diner. Kayden shook his head and followed him into the coffee smelling shop. the smell of coffee always calmed him down. the smell of coffee always meant safety to him. every morning his dad would be sitting there at the kitchen table with a freshly made flat white and ham and cheese toastie placed in front of him. his mother couldn't get to him then. she couldn't hurt him. but the second the smell of the coffee left was the second his dad did and he was left alone with his mother until he had to go to school.

Kaydens right hand subconsciously made its way up to his neck and rested softly over the bruising marks. he sighed. it wasn't the first time his mum had done something like this and it definitely wouldn't be the last.

he remembers the first time his mum hit him like it happened just hours ago. she wasn't herself that night and she hadn't been herself since. Kayden was just eleven and had gotten home fifteen minutes late from his friends house just done the street. the woman had been drinking. he could smell the rum on her breath when she backed him into the corner and screamed in his face. he remembers how she grabbed him by the chin and dug her sharp nails in his skin leaving deep purple nail marks as she yelled at him for not caring about her. then she slammed his head into the brick wall behind him and left to the lounge room. Kayden cried a lot that night, to the point of where he was worried he'd cried too much that he'd never be able to cry again.

they sat themselves at the front counter and Jackson smiled happily at Pop Tate. they each ordered a couple waffles to share and a coffee each. the two caught up on what's been happening in their lives recently, Kayden leaving out everything that included his mothers abuse and just enjoying their food.

"little Doherty!" Jackson jumped at the shriek of his new found nickname, courtesy of the Serpents of course. Kayden turned around at the same time Jackson did and they were faced with two smirking Serpents.

Toni and Fangs.

Kayden had met the two once. Fangs broke his phone on "accident" and Toni just glared at him the whole time. Kayden had never been more uncomfortable in his life.

"and Montgomerys boy!" Fangs exclaimed throwing his arms around Jackson and Kaydens shoulders. "I didn't know you two were friends. what does your boyfriend think of this?" Fangs asked raising an eyebrow at Jackson. his smirk told Jackson that he knew exactly what happened last night.

"not my boyfriend," Jackson grumbled, "what are you two doing here?"

"picking up not my boyfriends breakfast. he's on Serpent work at the moment and so me and Topaz are his personal assistants," Fangs shrugged and Toni made her way over to beside Kayden to get their order. Kayden lifted Fangs arm from his shoulder and rested against the bar with a sigh. he wanted to go home and sleep.

"whats wrong Kay?" Jackson asked softly and Kayden just shrugged. he knew exactly what was wrong, he just didnt know how to tell Jackson.

"nothings wrong. i'm fine."

he was definitely not fine.

a/n this is a bit of a different one. i thought that i'd do a chapter on Kaydens home life. his character is a lot more important during season two if i ever get around to writing it.

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