━ seventeen

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( 017 ) how'd you know

"why the hell did you wake me up ten minutes before my alarm? and how did you know where I live?" Jackson grumpily asked his friend, hugging the leather jacket he'd stolen off of his father closer to himself as he followed Kayden through the River...

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"why the hell did you wake me up ten minutes before my alarm? and how did you know where I live?" Jackson grumpily asked his friend, hugging the leather jacket he'd stolen off of his father closer to himself as he followed Kayden through the Riverdale high halls. the Montgomery boy had decided that he'd drop by Jacksons house and walk him to school.

"I asked Oliver," Kayden shrugged as he mumbled out his reply, "speaking of my cousin, why the hell was he in your bed?"

"-room. bedroom, Kayds. he was asleep on the floor," half a lie. Jackson had moved onto the floor with the Serpent after he'd had a night terror. Jackson, for once, felt grateful for the fact that his mother used to get night terrors otherwise he'd have had no idea how to handle the situation.

"still doesn't explain why he was asleep in your room," Kayden said, this time saying room instead of bed, and stopped at his locker.

"my dad didn't want him sleeping on the couch. its uncomfortable, trust me," Jackson heard the familiar gossiping of Kevin Keller and looked up almost immediately. catching sight of the Keller walking in the opposite direction with one of Cheryls minions, Jackson double tapped the locker beside Kayden, "I gotta go talk to Keller. see ya at lunch, Kay."

Kayden barely got his reply out before Jackson was skipping off down the hall towards Kevin. shoving himself in between Kevin and the girl, Jackson rested his arms on the girls should and linked his other with Kevins arm.

"hey there, Kev," Jackson greeted and turned towards the blonde beside him, "mind if I steal him?"

"not at all," Jackson was dragging Kevin off before she could even finish saying 'all'. his patience levels had decreased from their usually low levels due to his lack of sleep.

"what did you do to your hand?" Kevin gasped when Jackson finally unlinked their arms, heading towards the student lounge.

"just cut it whilst cooking," Jackson waved him off, "anyways, I have a question and you have to promise me you will answer the question and not interrogate me."

"yes, yeah. I promise," Kevin nodded hastily just wanting to hear Jacksons question. Jackson noticed his locker and stopped at it, leaning against it nervously. "just take your time, its not like I have places to be," Kevin said sarcastically making Jackson roll his eyes.

"how'd you know that you are... y'know... gay?"

Kevins eyebrows raised in surprise, not expecting that question at all. he didn't know what question he'd been expecting, actually, but out of all of the possibilities that was at the bottom of the list.

"are you-?"

"nah-ah. no. I said no interrogations," Jackson glared at the boy and Kevin sighed.

"I don't know. I just knew," Kevin visibly winced at Jacksons unimpressed expression, the Doherty obviously not happy with the response he got. sighing, Kevin said "whilst all the boys were talking about their girlfriends and... boobs, I was more worried about nail polish and my mums makeup. I didn't want to have a girlfriend like the other guys. I wanted to be friends with the girls, gossip, have girly sleep overs and wear girly things. I know theres feminine straight men but no feminine straight man wants to kiss another guy."

Jackson nodded slowly, taking in what Kevin said. truth be told, he already knew he was at least a little gay. he just didn't know if he was bi, pan, or just gay. he was hoping that whatever Kevin said would help him with figuring it out.

it really didn't.

sighing, Jackson just placed the hand that wasn't holding his skateboard on Kevins shoulder, "thank you, Keller. don't speak of this ever again."

"and what if I do?"

"got a couple Serpent buddies i can call," Jackson shrugged and turned around to his locker to put his skateboard away and get his books for the day. his 'serpent buddies' was only Sweet Pea, but, Kevin didn't know that.

by time Jackson had turned back around Kevin had been replaced by Kayden.

"what'd you need Keller for?" Kayden screwed up his nose. he'd always had a hatred for Kevin. according to Betty they had an argument in freshman year and Kayden refused to make things right ever since. Kevin just gave up trying a year after the argument.

"why you asking? jealous, Montgomery?" Jackson teased the boy, turning around to shut his locker. Kayden just elbowed him in the side and started walking towards his first class. Jackson jogged after him, a cheeky smile on his lips.

Jackson spent his day teasing the crap out of Kayden Montgomery.


the only eventful thing that'd happened at school that day was Jackson approaching Cheryl and giving her, her scrunchie back during PE. though, it'd be a lie to say that was the only eventful thing. because when Jackson walked out of the school an all too familiar voice yelled out his name.

"Jackson Doherty! your taxi awaits."

snapping his head up from his phone (he'd been trying to 'decode' a very confusing text message from his dad), Jacksons eyes locked onto Sweet Peas brown ones. a smile broke out onto Jacksons face and he jumped down the few stairs and walked over to the Serpent. on his way over he'd noticed that said taxi was actually his own skateboard seeing as Sweet Pea had his own (technically Jacksons) in hand.

"the hell are you doing here, Pea?"

"got off school early due to a drug raid. thought i'd surprise my newest best friend," Sweet Pea shrugged casually, smiling down at Jackson. his face then dropped into a nervous look. he bit his lip as he said, "I hope me being here didn't mess up your cover or anything."

"cover?" Jackson couldn't help but laugh at the Serpents words, "what cover?"

"I don't know," Sweet Pea sighed and raked his fingers through his hair, "I honestly though you'd be hiding your... serpent-ness?"

Jackson used the back of his bandage covered hand to conceal his laughter he was practically dying from.

"Pea, the whole school knows my dads a Serpent. no cover has been blown," Jackson then nudged his head in the general direction of Pops, "how about we go to Pops and annoy the fuck out of everyone there. my shout."

"you always pay," Sweet Pea groaned as they started walking. all of the stares and gaping faces of the Riverdale High students went unnoticed to the boys. "you should save your money, y'know."

"i'm starting a job at the Wyrm soon, Pea, a few bucks wont hurt, even if I only get paid like, what? five bucks an hour?"

"does your dad know about this job?" Sweet Pea asked with a raised eyebrow. Jackson grimaced when he realised he'd told Sweet Pea about his new job.

"don't tell him, please, Pea," Jackson begged his friend. he didn't need either of his parents to find out. he knew his dad would eventually considering he is a serpent but his dad would be more understanding than his mum.

"only if you let me pay just this once."

"is this blackmail?"

"I don't know, could be. now, you gunna let me pay or is Father Doherty kn-"

"okay, okay! you can pay- just this once."

"and victory strikes me again," Sweet Pea smirked cockily. Jackson just poked his tongue out at the Serpent and continued walking. Jacksons large smile never once left his face.

a/n after reading back through chapters i've realised how much I need to edit before posting (this one isn't edited btw) anyways, no sp next chapter just pre-warning ;)

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