━ twelve

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( 012 ) the wyrm

JACKSON HAD MANAGED TO GET his father to call the school and come pick him up early

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JACKSON HAD MANAGED TO GET his father to call the school and come pick him up early. despite the fact that Jughead and Betty wanted to meet in the blue and gold office. if they really wanted him to know they'd call him.

Jackson and Joshua had ended up at the Whyte Wyrm.

"y'know mum doesn't want me associating with anyone from here but you, right?" Jackson asked, knowing he and his dad both didnt give two cents of a shit. Jackson had came here once during the summer which was when he met FP. ever since then, he'd been staying at the mans trailer whenever he got locked out.

"you'll live, kid. c'mon," Joshua opened the car door and jumped out, Jackson doing the same and slamming the door. he winced at the glare Joshua shot his way and shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket. the second the door opened her was greeted with the strong smell of beer and the loud chatter of the serpents filling it. as it was only midday not many people were there. Jackson assumed they'd be at work, which reminded him.

"hey dad?" Jackson asked as the two made their way to the bar. Joshua hummed in repky and Jackson continued, "why aren't you at work?"

Joshuas eyes seemed to widen just in the slightest, like he'd been caught doing something wrong. of course, Jackson didn't notice, "its my day off today," he shrugged and hit the bar twice. an elder blonde lady walked over with a flirty smile on her face. she leaned down onto the bar in front of Joshua, arms squishing her boobs together as she placed her elbows onto the counter.

"usual, Doherty?" she asked and just by the way her voice sounded scratchy, Jackson could tell she smoked more than a pack a day.

"yes, please, Byrdie," Joshua then dropped his hand onto Jacksons shoulder, shaking his son slightly as he introduced him to the woman, "this is my son, Jackson. i don't think you guys met last time."

Byrdie looked over to Jackson with a smile that could only be described as flirty, "no i don't think we have. what can i get ya, baby?"

Jackson grimaced at the 'baby' and just shook his head with a forced smile, "i'm good without, thank you."

"Joshua!" Joshua and Jackson both turned around at the booming voice. Tallboy wandered over with his arms out by his side and a large smile on his face, "its been a while, old friend."

Byrdie placed down Joshuas beer whilst Josh nodded at Tallboy, "yeah, yeah. i haven't seen you around lately. where've you been hiding?" Joshua turned back around to face the bar as Tallboy took a seat beside him.

"out and about," Tallboy just shrugged and looked past Joshua, eyes landing on Jackson, "hi, Jacko."

Jackson awkwardly waved, "hey, Tallboy," Tallboy and Jackson had met during the summer. the elder man made Jackson uncomfortable but he did give him a free bag of chips so he was on Jacksons good books.

"how's your new school going?"

before Jackson could answer a hand slapped down on his shoulder making him jump in his seat, "sweet jesus," he muttered under his breath and spun around to face a smirking Sweet Pea. flipping him off, Jackson said, "you're an asshole."

"why thank you," Sweet Peas smirk turned to a small smile as his eyes moved to Joshua, "hi, Josh."

"afternoon, Sweets," Joshua greeted and took a mouthful of his beer. he watched as Jackson and Sweet Pea bickered back and forth. he'd never seen Sweet Pea smile so much, not even when he was with Fangs and Toni. Josh turned to Tallboy and didn't miss his shocked expression at Sweets smile. Josh chuckled and downed the rest of his beer.

Jacksons elbow shot out and into Sweet Peas side. Sweet Pea hunched over with a groan and Jackson took this as his opportunity to tackle Sweet Pea. moving quickly the get off his chair, Jackson jumped onto Sweet Peas back. the Serpent lost his balance at the sudden weight and both boys eyes widened as they went tumbling to the ground.

Jackson started laughing, finding it hard to breathe due to Sweet Pea (who was wheezing) on top of him. Joshua stood up and stepped over to the two, looking down at the two boys with a raised eyebrow.

"i hope you two know what happens when you lay on the floor around here," Sweet Peas eyes seemed to widen at Joshuas words and he rolled off of Jackson and immediately stood up. Jackson sat up and crossed his legs, looking up at Sweet Pea and Josh with a confused frown.

"don't tell me i have to clean the toilets," Jackson whined and let his head fall back onto the pool table behind him.

"what? no, thats just cruel," Joshua shook his head at his son and turned to point at a broom and mop behind the bar, "you just gotta sweep and mop the place for the next week," he then turned to Sweet Pea, "just because you stood up doesn't mean you're getting out of this either."

Sweet Pea groaned and threw his head back. Jacksons eyes involuntarily moved to the tattoo on the Serpents neck, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he watched Sweet Peas jaw clench.

"Jack!" Sweet Pea snapped his fingers in front of Jacksons face. Jackson flinched away and he tilted his head back to look up at Sweet Pea, who was now crouching.


"wanna go skating until we gotta come back and clean?"

Jackson shrugged and held out his hand to Sweet Pea, "help me up first."

Sweet Pea chuckled and wrapped his hand around Jacksons wrist, Jack doing the same. once he was on his feet, Jackson dusted himself off and started walking towards the door with Sweet Pea following behind.

"if you knee me in the eye again i'm suing."


a/n if you like werewolf books, i've just published one.
it's called Wolf Of Flames if you're interested.

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