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( 003 ) jugheads bitch

( 003 ) jugheads bitch

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JASON BLOSSOM WAS DEFINITELY DEAD. not that Jackson cared, he didn't know the guy personally nor did he ever meet him. he only found out who Jason actually was in the past week or so. what he did care about, though, was the fact that Jason Blossoms bullet holed face was now burnt into his mind. that and because he had to live with a close friend of his fathers, FP Jones, for the weekend as he forgot his keys and his dad was out of town for the weekend.

school was finished for the day and Jackson was looking forward to going home and sleeping for the rest of it but apparently Jughead Jones had other plans for him. just as Jackson was about to get on his skateboard, Jughead grabbed his shoulder last second and stopped him from doing so.

Jackson ended up becoming Jugheads bitch.

so now, he was standing beside Jughead with his skateboard in hand and watching Dilton Doiley and his scouts. Jackson wouldn't lie and say he'd prefer doing something productive over sleeping for the rest of the day. he missed his bed.

"and in that moment of hesitation, you're dead. all of you are dead."

"at ease, Doiley." said Jughead, gaining the attention of Dilton. "i'm writing an article for the Blue and Gold. hoping you can help."

"dismissed!" Dilton shouted to his scouts, "but stay close."

"Cheryl and Archie both say they heard a gunshot the morning of July fourth, but they don't know who fired." Jacksons gaze moved from Dilton to the grass below him. he had heard the gunshot, too. though, he decided to not tell anyone because how the hell was he supposed to explain that he was simply admiring the river on the morning of July fourth?

"sheriff Keller already asked me about this. like I told him, my scouts and I, we didn't hear anything weird."

"well..." Jughead took a step forward, closing the gap between him and Dilton a little more, "did you see anything weird?"

Dilton crossed his arms, "a white-winged crossbill, a long-eared owl... oh, and Cheryl sitting by the river, soaking wet."

"you made that too sexual." Jackson frowned, earning himself a small glare from Jughead and a side look from Dilton. "sorry." he mumbled, raising his hands in surrender.

that night Jackson was dragged to Pops by Jughead. as much as Jackson loved Pops, he was not in the mood to go anywhere but in his bed. Jughead made his way over to a scout that Jackson recognised from earlier that day. Jackson decided to let Jughead do his own thing and sit himself down at the counter.

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