twenty oNe

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( 021 ) intoxicating

a/n  he is so beautiful what the fUck you're probably gunna love this chap ;) its poorly written again, btw

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a/n he is so beautiful what the fUck
you're probably gunna love this chap ;) its poorly written again, btw. my finger is still muchly broken. im doing jack all to help it heal though so that's on me lmao.

waking up with the flu wasn't exactly Jacksons favourite thing. he'd grown used to it though. Jackson had a shit immune system and got sick far too easily. he would be fine one hour and coughing and sneezing the next for at least a week. that's one of the few things he hated about himself.

his dad let him stay home for the day and then headed off to go pick up an order for the Whyte Wyrm from a town three hours away. Sweet Pea, who was supposed to be at school, broke into the flat ten minutes after Joshua left with a bag of food and a bruising eye.

Jackson only noticed his eye after he had gotten a call from Betty Cooper asking him to find FP and get him to the police station and that Jughead was in there. he didn't bother questioning the tall serpent on how he got the bruise when he was gone only an hour and a half.

"do you know where FP is by any chance?" Jackson asked Sweet Pea as he yanked a pair of jeans up his legs. his voice was deeper than usual due to the snot in his nose and he was as pale as ever. Jackson would be concerned for himself if he didn't know he'd be like this for the next week.

"uh, no- but my guess is his trailer," Sweet Pea replied and Jackson nodded as he grabbed his phone and a zip up jumper from the floor.

"okay. you coming with?" Jackson asked just as he pulled open the door. skateboards were now in his hands too. Sweet Pea nodded even though he had no fucking idea where Jackson was going and followed Jackson out the flat door. truth be told, Sweet Pea would quite literally follow Jackson everywhere. see he had a secret. a secret that he himself didn't even know.

"where're we going?"

Jackson didn't answer and instead gave Sweet Pea a skateboard. together the two rode across the southside to the trailer park in a somewhat silence. there was a moment or two where Sweet Pea would hit a rock and get flung off which resulting in him cussing out the skateboard and walking for a minute or two before getting back onto the board.

"FP! FP! its Jackson. open up!" Jackson continued to knocked on FPs trailer door until it was flung open by a tired FP. Jackson smiled up at the man, not even feeling an ounce of guilt for waking him up, and said, "your son is most likely getting charged for murder and about to be thrown into jail so you might want to get your ass down to the station."

"shit. okay. give me a few minutes," FP grumbled and stumbled into the trailer again. Jackson leaned against the door frame as he waited for FP to get ready. Sweet Pea bounced on his heals at the bottom of the few steps, his hands in his jacket pocket. FP emerged from the trailer now dressed into fresh clothes and car keys in hand.

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