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( 018 ) polly cooper

unfortunately, Jackson had to leave Sweet Pea and help Betty on a search for Polly

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unfortunately, Jackson had to leave Sweet Pea and help Betty on a search for Polly. as much as he didn't want to, he knew he had to. he'd missed out on a lot since yesterday. from Jughead finally making a move on Betty to the duo finding a car (Jackson was supposed to join the two on finding the car, apparently), to then said car getting burnt and Polly Cooper escaping the sisters of quiet mercy.

the search for Polly ended up with the Blossoms crashing it. sniffer dogs, cops, the whole deal. Jackson found it a little over the top. then again, it was the Blossoms. they could take a simple task, like getting a loaf of bread from the local store, and make it over the top.

by time the end of the day Jackson had found himself standing outside the church with Kayden, Archie and Jughead by his side, surrounded by many people with cameras and microphones, as well as some without, all facing towards the church doors where the Coopers all stood, minus Polly.

"theres been a swirl of rumours today about our daughter Polly," Alice announced, her voice loud as she stood tall between Hal and Betty, "and we're standing here to tell you that theyre all false. yes, Polly was seeking treatment in a private care facility and she was under strict observation, even at the time of Jason Blossoms death. when she found out about the murder, she was beside herself with grief. you see, my daughter Polly is pregnant with Jason Blossoms baby."

"fuck I wasn't expecting that," Kayden muttered under his breath. everyone around them gasped and started muttering amongst themselves. Jackson elbowed his friend in the side and shot him a small glare, silently telling him to shut the hell up.

"Polly wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone the father of her unborn child. Polly, darling, if you're watching this... please come home."

Jackson felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked to his side to see his flustered father. he raised an eyebrow at the man in a way of asking 'why the hell are you so flustered?', only getting a shake of the head by Joshua. this just made Jackson frown, confused. Josh sighed and motioned for his son to follow him and walked off.

Jackson turned to Kayden and quickly said, "i gotta go. see you tomorrow," before following his dad down the footpath. an awkward silence hit them as they walked. Jackson kicking a rock and Joshua just staying silent. oddly silent for such a talkative person.

"dad... what has happened?" he asked hesitantly after realising his dad wasn't going to speak first.

"i have another son, hes- hes your age," Joshua frowned at his own words. he was a forty year old man going to his sixteen year old son for support. great parenting, Josh.

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