twenty seven

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Jackson woke up tangled in Sweet Peas sweaty arms, their legs logged together under the blankets and Jacksons naked body pressed against Sweets Peas almost naked body. he had boxers on. before conclusions are jumped to, no, they didn't fuck. not yet anyways.

Sweet Pea got his throat fucked, though, and Jackson had the best orgasm of his life.

Jackson smiled softly at how small Sweet Pea looked asleep and reached over to brush Sweet Peas sweaty hair out of his eyes with his non-broken arm. he had no idea why the Serpent was sweating like he'd just ran five kilometres, but if he had to assume he'd say the boy had another night terror.

Joshua knocked on the door before pushing it open just enough for Jackson to hear him speak without having to go into the room. Jackson hadn't been exactly quiet last night, and due to Joshua sleeping in the lounge room he heard everything. hearing your sons moaning wasn't exactly something you wanted to hear.

"anyone up?"

"yeah, dad," Jackson muttered out and pushed himself up into a sitting position, wincing at the pain in his ribs. the blue and pink blankets pooled around his waist and Sweet Peas arm never left his body. Jackson felt safe in the taller boys arms.

"great, get dressed and start cleaning. your mother gets here in two hours," Joshua told his son, quickly adding on a "and please wash your bloody sheets" before slamming the door closed and going to wake up Kayden and Benji.

Jackson flushed when he realised his dad had heard him last night (completely missing his mother coming to visit) and started to slap Sweet Pea over the forehead continuously to wake him up. Sweet Pea grumbled insults under his breath and attempted to hide his face under Jacksons thighs but the younger Doherty wasn't having it.

"wake the fuck up!" he hissed and this time slapped Sweet Peas nose harshly. Sweet Pea flinched back and his hand went straight too his nose, a scowl on his face.

"what the frick?" he grumbled under his breath and rubbed his now sore nose. Jackson didn't feel bad in the slightest. smiling innocently, Jackson stood up off the bed (despite the amount of pain that went straight to his ribs the second he moved his legs) and nakedly hobbled over to the cupboard.

"well, that's a lovely sight," Sweet Pea said, his smirk could be literally heard in his voice. Jackson flipped him off and yanked on some dark purple batman boxers and Sweet Peas pink hoodie he'd claimed as his own. Sweet Pea was pouting when Jackson turned around and reached out to make grabby hands at Jackson.

"you covered my view," the Serpent mumbled sadly when Jackson finally laid back down beside him. Jackson breathily laughed and propped himself up on his side and pressed a gentle kiss to Sweet Peas lips. it seemed to make him forget about the pain in his ribs for a short minute.

"your voice sounds horrible," he whispered against Sweet Peas lips. Sweet Pea groaned and covered his face, using one hand to quickly flip the Doherty off.

"and your morning breath is horrible," he retaliated through his hands. Jackson pouted and pulled Sweet Peas hands off of his face.

"stop hiding your beauty," he said quietly and straddled Sweet Pea whilst kissing him sweetly. Sweet Pea didn't make a move to stop him so he grinded down lightly. Sweet Pea moaned breathily into Jacksons mouth as he continued to grind down lightly, teasingly.

"hey, jack have you see my shoes- oh, Jesus Christ! its eight in the morning you fucking rabbits!" Kayden exclaimed loudly, the slamming of the door even louder as he stomped down the hall into the kitchen. his ranting could be heard, as well as Joshuas laughing.

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