twenty six

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a/n I started writing this literally 3-4 hours ago so its super super rushed. I haven't been able to write all week because my dad took my laptop apart just as I was about to start working on this chapter and its only gotten put back together today. that was on Sunday and its now Thursday.
anyways, I hope you all are staying safe :)

"FP what the fuck!?" Jackson exclaimed as he saw the name on the Riverdale letterman jacket. Jason. why the fuck did he have Jason Blossoms jacket? "did you fucking kill him or something?"

"no, Doherty, I didn't kill the kid," FP rolled his eyes, already frustrated with the boy. he'd been in the trailer for a total of ten minutes, new record.

"then why the fuck do you have his jacket?"

"stop yelling and just listen!" FP hissed through gritted teeth. Jacksons mouth snapped shut and he nodded quickly, sitting down next to Joaquin on the couch. "I did not kill Jason Blossom, okay?"

"then why-"

"I found his body in the Whyte Wyrm basement," FP cut him off, glaring at the Doherty harshly, "I called Joaquin. he helped me clean up the body."

"but he didn't have his jacket when he died, he was in all white, Cheryl told me. how did you get the jacket?"

"the car you were supposed to go find with Betty and Jughead?" Jackson nodded, remembering how he had to help out at the Wyrm instead of helping them find the car Polly had mentioned. "I followed them there and burnt it when they left. the jacket was in the boot, so I took it."

Jackson just shook his head, fingers on his good hand knotting into his hair, "why the hell am I being involved? I-im supposed to be here spending time with my dad, not running around playing detective with Jug and Betty and certainly not helping you with whatever the fuck you want my help with."

"I need you to keep me up to date on Jughead and Bettys investigation, that's why I got you involved," FP explained and Jackson nodded slowly, understanding why he was there. "you cant tell anyone about this, are we clear? not that Montgomery boy and definitely not your boyfriend."

"he isn't-"

"he sure talks about you like he is," FP laughed under his breath and shook his head. then he went back to being serious. he grabbed the duffle back he'd been packing when Jackson got there and threw it to Joaquin.

"stash it. keep it safe."

Joaquin nodded curtly and stood up. Jackson checked his phone and winced at the messages from Sweet Pea wondering where he'd fucked off too this time. he wasn't too happy with Jackson for disappearing the first time.

"how's it going with the Keller kid?" Jacksons head snapped up at FPs words. he frowned, unsure of why Kevin was relevant.

"its- its good. he thinks we're legit," Joaquin replied.

"right on. we're gonna need that inside line with the sheriff," FP nodded and Jacksons frown deepened. Joaquin was playing Kevin for intel? Joaquin went to walk away, but stopped himself, clearly insure of something. "what? do we got a problem?"

"he likes me, you know? for real."

FP started chuckling dryly at the blue eyed boy. he walked over to the couch, taking a seat beside Jackson and opening the eski in front of him, "oh you're breaking my heart," he grabbed out a beer, cracking it open, "but we all got a part to play. including me."

Joaquin nodded and scrambled out of the trailer. Jackson glanced down at his phone as it lit up. another message from Sweet Pea.

"I should get going. i'll make sure to keep you updated on Betty and Jug," Jackson stood up and stepped around the messy coffee table. he reached for the door handle of the trailer.

"little Doherty," FP called and Jackson stopped. he turned to FP with a raised eyebrow. "I want you to become a Serpent."

"absolutely not."

"you don't have a choice," FP told him and he hit his head against the door, annoyed with the elder. he winced as pain shocked through his skull and turned to FP with a bored look.

"do not tell my father, my brother, Sweet Pea, Kayden, anyone. cause I will rat you out whether I have proof or not," Jackson threatened, his glare harsh and FP nodded. the Jones stood up and walked over to the closet, pulling it open and yanking an old ratted up Serpent jacket out. he tossed it to Jackson, the brunet only just catching it in time before it hit the floor. he stared at the logo on the back.

"this isn't a jacket the rest of them have. its like yours," Jackson frowned, glancing up at FP from the jacket and looking to the elders hanging on the cupboard door.

"your father is resigning from the Serpents, Doherty. stepped down today, actually. that jacket was your dads and before that it belonged to your granddad."

" you want me to replace my father?"

"if I go down for Jason Blossoms murder, I want someone I know I can trust to take over for me. your dads stepping down and Jughead wouldn't be caught dead as a Serpent."

"so that leaves me as a last resort," Jackson mumbled, looking down at the Serpent logo once again. "why not Sweets? or Toni or Fangs? isn't Tallboy your 'right hand guy'? isn't that his job?"

"Tallboys a right hand guy, as you just said. he only steps up if both leaders go down. he's the real last resort," FP explained now back in his spot on the surprisingly comfortable couch. "go home. meet at the Wyrm tomorrow at four thirty. Sweet Peas probably having a stroke by now. that boy is in deep."

Jackson nodded and left the trailer, ignoring FPs comment about Sweet Pea and clutched the jacket in his hand tightly. now to pray Sweet Pea doesn't question it.


Jackson pushed into his flat, this time remembering his key, and quietly clicked it shut behind him. he lightly walked through the flat, passing his bedroom without glancing inside and went straight for the lounge room/kitchen area. he sighed at the sight of his dad passed out on the couch, a half empty beer in front of him and the footie playing on the tv.


Jackson turned around and smiled softly at a tired looking Sweet Pea. his hair was a mess and his eyes were dopey. he looked rather adorable. after making sure the logo of his jacket was hidden he stepped forward and wrapped his good arm around Sweet Peas neck, pulling him in for a hug. Sweet Pea bent his knees a bit so Jackson was stretching out so much and hurting his ribs before wrapping his arms securely around Jacksons waist.

"if you disappear again im tying you to your bed," Sweet Pea grumbled and Jackson let out a breathy laugh.

"sounds kinky."

"shut up, dick."

Jackson kissed under Sweet Peas jaw and dropped his arm from the boys neck to his torso, burying his face in the Serpents chest. Sweet Peas arms moved around to the back of Jacksons neck, hugging him closer.

"is Benji and Kayden still here?"

"they're sleeping in your dads room."

"that's why hes on the couch."

Sweet Pea kissed Jacksons forehead gently, "c'mon, I wanna cuddle."

"course you do, you fucking Teddy."

"shut up you love it."

Jackson hummed, pulling away to look up at the smiling Sweet Pea, "I do."

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