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( 007 ) spooky spirits

( 007 ) spooky spirits

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JACKSON NEVER THOUGHT THAT THE Blossoms knew so much about his family. the second he walked into the house, clad in a black t-shirt and dark grey jeans, he was immediately greeted by Mr and Mrs Blossom telling him about how much of a nice guy his father was, and how he turned to love the Southside Serpent freshman year and moved to Southside High, becoming a Serpent. just like his parents wanted.

Jackson had no idea his mother was a Serpent. how could he? the amount of times she ordered him to stay away from the Southside and the Serpents, you'd think they killed her dog.

he caught eye contact with Betty, the blonde motioning him to go over to her and Jug. Jackson turned to the Blossom parents and clasped his hands together, "i'm so, so sorry for your loss. as i said before, i felt it was only appropriate to come and pay my respects. would you mind if i went and sat down? i skated all the way here. my legs are killing me."

Mrs Blossom nodded, a forced smile on her face, "of course. thank you for coming."

Jackson smiled back at the woman, his not as forces as hers, and made his way towards Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones and sat in between them. looking between the two with questioning eyes he asked, "why am i here?"

"because you're scarily good at being a detective and you have the skateboard." Betty pointed at the skateboard being hugged against himself. Jackson glanced down at it and then back up at the blonde.

"whats a skateboard going to do...?"

Jughead shrugged, "use it as a shield against the spooky spirits."

Jackson just nodded slowly, "uh huh..." Jackson looked up as Archie stood and walked over towards Mrs Blossom. everyones eyes followed him as he did so. they watched as Archie gave Penelope Jasons old Jersey and how Penelope touched his hair, looking like she was about to cry. Archie clearly reminded her of her son.

Archie sat back down beside Kevin, the boy immediately pestering Archie, "did she just touch your hair?"

Archie didn't answer. Betty leaned forward, placing a hand on the redheads shoulder, "that was really sweet, what you did."

"she deserves it. more than i do." Archie replied as Veronica approached the group of teens.

"days like today really put things in perspective, huh?" Veronica sat down in front of Val and Archie, turning back to face them and continuing to talk, "i mean, at least we're here. at least we're alive."

everyone started to turn around to look at someone, or something, enter the room. Jackson turned around confused and there she was. Cheryl Blossom walked down the walkway clad in a white dress. Jackson was sure it was the dress she wore when she took Jason across the river. Jacksons eyes immediately snapped to Clifford and Penelope. judging by the looks on their faces, he could tell that Cheryl wasn't supposed to be there.

Cheryl stopped behind the podium and looked at everyone in the room, "welcome to Thornhill. Thank you all for coming. if you'll kindly take your seats." everyone who was standing, including Cliff and Penelope, all sat down as Cheryl continued talking, "i'd like to start the memorial with a few words about Jason."

"the last time i saw Jason, i was wearing this dress. i know it's impossible, but i swear when i put it on, it feels like he's in the room with me. even though we were twins, i used to demand i have my own birthday party. until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one. it wasn't until a few years later i found out why. it was because no one wanted to come to mine and Jason didn't want me to know." Cheryl started to cry, a few years slipping down her cheeks, "he protected me. every single day. i wish that day at the river, i had protected him." Cheryl sobbed, turning around to the casket and placing her hand on it, "i'm so sorry, Jay-Jay. we failed you. all of us."

Jackson swallowed and stood up, placing his board down and walking down the walkway and over to Cheryl. he placed his hand on her shoulder and Cheryl spun around and locked him in a hug, sobbing into his shoulder. Jacksons hand glided down Cheryls back as he whispered to her that "it's all going to be okay eventually."

"how do you know that?" Cheryl asked as she sniffled, looking up at Jackson with a frown. Jackson just shrugged.

"i dont. i'm just telling you what everyone else would."

Cheryl chuckled to herself and gave Jackson one last hug. she squeezed his shoulder and walked over to Veronica. Jackson heard his name being whispered and so he glanced up, seeing Betty and Jughead standing just outside the room. the younger Doherty jogged over to the two and stood in front of them, glancing between the blonde and raven haired boy with a raised eyebrow.

"so, what are we doing?"

"searching Jasons room." Jughead bluntly stated and handed Jackson his board back. Jackson nodded and took his board.

"fair enough." Jackson then looked up the stairs behind him, shuffling so he was stood in between Jughead and Betty. "ready to go battle some spooky spirits?"

a/n sorry its so short!

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