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( 016 ) not really almost but almost

( double update so make sure you read 15 first )

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( double update so make sure you read 15 first )

apparently, fences had sharp wire that will cut your hand open sticking out of them.

Jackson learnt that the hard way.

"if any blood gets on my good hoodie i'm slapping the shit out of you," Jackson glared at Sweet Pea as he threatened him, even if it wasn't his fault that he'd been cut in the first place. Jackson very well knew that. it was his own fault.

"well, lets hurry up and get back to your flat before blood gets everywhere," Sweet Pea and Jackson stepped out of the tall grass and onto the road. they decided not to skate back. well, it was a one sided decision, made by Sweet Pea. no matter how many times Jackson reassured him that he could skate home perfectly fine, Sweet Pea still refused to let him. he even went as far as carrying Jacksons skateboard for him.

as they walked down the gravel road, steam coming from their mouths at every exhale, Jackson had one thing on his mind. what was so important about Hotdog that made Sweet Pea feel the need to introduce Jackson to him? had Jackson said something about his love for English Sheepdogs and Sweet Pea remembered it or did said English Sheepdog hold some sort of significance to Sweet Pea?

"hey, Pea?" Jackson muttered out, wincing when he clenched his cut hand. Sweet Pea just hummed, sending Jackson a small side glance. "uh, um, why did you want me to meet Hotdog so badly?"

Jackson watched the boys reaction to the question. his face was slightly lit up now due to the dull street lights. something flickered over Sweet Peas face, something Jackson couldn't pinpoint. it was gone to fast, replaced by a blank face and careless shoulder shrug.

"i just figured that because he means something to the Serpents that you should meet him. cause, like, your dads a Serpent and all," Sweet Pea answered his friends question. the serpent glanced at the Doherty and shot him a slight smile, but it was enough for Jackson to smile back.

"um, can i asked about the Montgomerys?"

Sweet Pea shrugged again, looking back ahead of him, "sure."

"how... how does the relations work? like, i know you're Kaydens cousin and Val is his and your grandma but i just want to know how, i guess- only if you're comfortable answering."

Sweet Pea hesitated. Jackson was already the reason why Sweet Pea smiled a little more recently, well, smiled in general. he never smiled before Jackson, not for anyone. excluding his Grandma Val. now, he smiled more frequently around other people, even if they were only small lip twitches. he was still smiling.

moral of the story, Sweet Pea didn't want Jackson getting any closer than what he already was. deep deep down he knew he did, but the little angel, her voice small as ever, on his shoulder was telling him to let Jackson in and the devil, man was the devils voice bigger than the angels, was telling him not to.

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