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( 011 ) dinosaur chicken nuggets

DINOSAUR CHICKEN NUGGETS AND BARBECUE sauce was always a meal that Jackson Doherty loved, if you could even call it a meal, Jackson did, anyways

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DINOSAUR CHICKEN NUGGETS AND BARBECUE sauce was always a meal that Jackson Doherty loved, if you could even call it a meal, Jackson did, anyways. today, it was breakfast.

and his phone ringing disturbed it.

he groaned and picked the phone up before pressing the little green answer button at the bottom of the screen and putting it up to his ear, "whats up, Cooper?"

"you know where i live, right?"

Jackson frowned at the question, "yeah?"

"great. okay. so, you're invited over for breakfast. can you be here in like," Betty went silent for four seconds, yes Jackson counted, "ten minutes?"

"uh, Coop, i'm-"

"no time for excuses, Jack. see you soon!" Betty hung up the phone before Jackson could even protest. groaning, he looked down at his nuggets with a frown slipping onto his face.

"fuck it,"

ten minutes later Jackson was the Coopers bright red, front door loudly knocking on it with his free hand. Betty opened it with a bright smile.

"Jack, hello," her attention moved to the object in Jacksons hands and she frowned, "why are you holding a container of... dinosaur nuggets?"

"this was my breakfast. you, Cooper, disturbed it," Jackson gave her a pointed look and Betty winced. she stepped to this side and invited Jackson in, "anyways, why am i here?"

"uh, well, i needed to get Jughead here and the only way i could make that happen was to tell him you'd be here, too," Betty lied to the Doherty boy. Jughead was going to come over anyways, she just needed Jackson there too so Betty could keep him updated. Betty led Jackson into the dining room and motioned to the seat in front of Jughead.

"mum, this is Jackson," Betty introduced Jackson to her mother, "Jackson this is my mum."

"i thought she was your sister," Jackson exclaimed loudly and turned to Alice with a shocked expression, "my god! you look so young!" a lie. Alice looked like a stuck up housewife who tried too hard to look young. he would admit, though, she did look pretty.

"thank you," Alice smiled sweetly at the boy before her attention moved to the container of dinosaur nuggets in front of him. Alice found it quite odd that he bought nuggets with him, especially to a breakfast, but just shook it off and grabbed a plate for him, "here, don't want you eating out of a nasty container."

Jackson smiled at the Cooper and took the plate happily, "thank you, Mrs Cooper," Jackson thanked the woman before dumbing his nuggets onto the plate. he reached over the table and grabbed a fork, stabbing one of the dinos and shoving it into his mouth.

everyone was silent as they ate. Alice kept eying Jughead this causing the beanie wearing boy look up at Jackson uncomfortably and Betty was glaring at her mother for making Jughead uncomfortable.

"so, Jughead," Alice had decided to finally voice what had been on her mind, "i suppose we have you to thank for Bettys ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness."

"actually, mum, i was the one who asked Jughead to help me write it for the blue and gold," Betty explained to her mother. Jughead glanced up at Jackson again, looking rather uncomfortable.

Alice just chuckled halfheartedly, "relax, Betty, i'm just making conversation," the older Cooper turned her attention to Jackson, "what about you, Jackson? are you apart of this?"

Jackson shrugged, "i'm the shield holder against scary spirits," he answered the question, confusing Alice. he reached forward for the glass of juice that Alice had given him and took a mouthful of the liquid.

"uh, do you guys have a bathroom i could use?" Jughead suddenly asked and Betty quickly stood up.

"sure, i'll show you-"

"no, no," Mrs Cooper shook her head at Betty, "i'll show him. follow me... Jughead."

as soon as Alice and Jughead were out of eyesight Betty jumped up out of her seat and went over to rummage through her mothers bag. Jackson frowned at the girl and spun around to face her with a look of curiousness.

"what are you doing, Coop?" he asked her, watching as she took multiple photos of some paperwork.

"this is where my sister is," Betty muttered her reply to the Doherty boy and quickly sat back in her seat. Jackson had heard stories about Bettys sister, he just didn't think they were true. the Cooper family just seemed too... perfect to have a crazy daughter.

turns out they had two.


when Jackson walked into school he was greeted with a very angry Kayden.

"you know Sweet Pea?" Kayden asked Jackson and the the Doherty boy sighed. he had forgotten about Sweet Pea bringing up his black eye at lunch.

"what? jealous, Montgomery?" Jackson teased with a smirk.

Kayden frowned and immediately got defensive, "what!? no!" a lie. he was, in fact, jealous. he and Sweet Pea had been at a constant war their whole lives. no matter what Kayden did, Sweet Pea one upped it. whatever Kayden had, Sweet Pea had to have it.

"oh, my god," Jackson said in realisation, "you are jealous!"

"nope!" Kayden shouted and started to speed walk down the hallway. Jackson laughed loudly, finding too much joy in his friends jealousy and dropped his skateboard before jumping onto it and catching up with Kayden.

as he grabbed onto Kaydens shoulder, Jackson chuckled again, "dont lie, Montgomery. you'll get lumps on your tongue," Jackson teased him even more.

"i will stab you,"

"i have a serpent serpent bloodline, dingus," Jackson reminded the boy, "i wouldn't do that if i were you."

Kayden rolled his eyes and continued to pull Jackson along on his skateboard, "hey, how did Sweet Pea bruise your eye?"

"he accidentally kneed me in the face," Jackson shrugged and let go of Kaydens shoulder as they were at his locker, "i'll see you at lunch!" Jackson shouted as he stopped his skateboard and turned to his locker.

Jackson had one thing on his mind as he shoved his skateboard into his locker and that was,

dinosaur chicken nuggets.

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