twenty three

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a/n hi so I am not okay at the moment. this chapter isn't edited and it is so short and not my best. my mental health is worse than usual and I just want to be gone. anyways, sorry for the shortness and shittiness! hopefully you can find some joy in my favourite oc who is Joshua Doherty

Jackson stared up at the school in front of him and let out a low groan. he hated the place. it was full of rumour spreading dickheads who had nothing better to do with their lives than to make everyone else's miserable. Riverdale high was a cliché high school plucked straight from the movies.

"y'know..." Kayden started from his spot beside Jackson bouncing on his heals slightly, "we could always skip, go back to yours, watch some movies, order some pizza and get fat."

Jackson grumbled curses under his breath and started to walk towards the school. Kayden sighed in annoyance. the Doherty had been brooding all weekend and no matter how hard Kayden tried over the past two days, nothing was getting him out of his Grinch-like mood.

Sweet Pea had basically fallen off of the face of the earth since their moment on Friday night. he wasn't answering calls or even so much as opening messages. Jackson had somehow came to the conclusion that he was in a ditch getting high off his nut on acid.

"have you gone to his trailer? you could have gotten him sick when you guys ate each others faces off," Kayden suggested as he skipped to catch up with his friend.

"i'm going back to my bed," Jackson grumbled lowly under his breath and turned around. Kayden rolled his eyes at the Doherty and made his way into the school.

Jackson pat down his pockets and searched for his keys. he groaned to himself and let his head fall against the door harshly.

"y'know the key is above the door, right?" Jackson clenched his jaw and turned around to him with a glare.

"you're fucking asshole," he stated and reached up to grab the key from above the door. he unlocked the door and pushed through into the flat, leaving it open so the boy behind him could get inside. he checked his fathers room to find it thankfully empty and made his way to the kitchen to raid the fridge and pantry.

"I am guessing i'm a fucking asshole because I disappeared?"

"that's exactly the reason," Jackson grunted and pulled out a pack of caramel slice from the fridge. Sweet Pea came up behind Jackson and rested his chin on Jacksons shoulder and his arms snaking their way around the younger Dohertys waist.

"'m sorry," he mumbled, "FP sent me and Joaquin to Greendale and put our phones in the rattle snake tank."

Jackson let out a laugh and turned himself around in Sweet Peas arms and let his head fall against Sweet Peas shoulder. he let out a small sigh and slipped his arms around the Serpents waist.

"that is an FP thing to do- wait, you have a rattle snake?"

"the Wyrm has a rattle snake," Sweet Pea replied. his hands moved to grip Jacksons waist, "jump," he muttered and Jackson laughed into Sweet Peas shoulder his arms moving to Sweet Peas shoulders.


"yes, jump," Jackson did as told and jumped. his legs wrapped around the Serpents waist as he was pushed up against the kitchen wall. Jacksons arms lazily rested on Sweet Peas shoulder as they stared at each other. their lips were so close they could feel each others hot breaths, noses brushing together every so often. Jackson leant in to kiss Sweet Pea but he pulled his head back slightly.

"fucker," Jackson whispered out and Sweet Pea let out a low laugh before pressing his lips to Jacksons waiting ones. Jackson pulled away after a short moment and said, "I am still mad at you for disappearing."

Sweet Pea just kissed him in response and whispered against his lips, "i'll make it up to you."

Jackson just hummed and kissed the Serpent. his legs slipped down from around Sweet Peas waist and landed on the floor. Sweet Peas hands found the Dohertys hips and he pushed the boy against the wall earning a small moan to muffle out from Jacksons mouth.

"looks like i'm getting fifty bucks in my back pocket tonight," Sweet Pea was being shoved away as soon as Jackson heard the voice. Jackson looked up to his father in alarm, eyes wide and his hands rushing to push his hoodie over his erection.

"hi, dad," Jackson cleared his throat awkwardly and avoided his fathers eyes by staring at the wall beside him.

"Jackson, Sweet Pea," Joshua greeted half smug. Jackson rolled his eyes at his father and snatched the caramel slice from the counter beside a flustered and angry looking Sweet Pea. "as much as i'd like to embarrass you two i have to play a strict parent first- Jackson why aren't you in school?"

Jackson practically threw himself on the couch, "i'm still feeling a little sick... and my friends are running a murder investigation and i do not want to be involved in it because the last thing i need is to be accused of murdering someone i don't know."

"at least you have some brains," Joshua muttered and looked between them with a raised eyebrow, "and now i will play the roll of the supportive but sticky beak best friend- are you two fucking?"

"no," the two youngest said at the same time. it was the truth, they were not fucking... yet.

"right, well, when you guys finally do have sex for the love of god use lube and a condom and Sweet Pea," he turned to Sweet Pea and grabbed his shoulder, "fucking prep him before your shrimp goes any-"

"dad!" Jackson couldn't stop himself from laughing. Sweet Pea looked scared and Jackson was so amused with the Serpent. he had gotten used to his dad saying stuff like that over the past few days. Sweet Pea was a completely different story.

Joshua rolled his eyes and huffed, "sorry sorry," he grumbled, "you two go and fuck out your boners in the bedroom. i don't want your sperm all over my kitchen. please keep it down i want to have a nap," Joshua closed his bedroom door just as he said 'nap' and then Sweet Pea and Jackson were alone again. kind of.

"want to go skating?" Sweet Pea suddenly suggested and Jackson snorted. apparently Joshua threw him out of the mood. he wasn't the only one.

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