not fun any more

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I was staring down a creature covered in scales on all fours with red piercing eyes, ". .ah- . .h-. .", i was to scared to even speak properly. It made its way to me snarling and bearing its sharp teeth at me.

"(Y/N)! whats up?! did you find the ball ye-",Mikey shouted at me then stopped when he saw what was infront of me. "g-Guys!! THERES A HUGE ALLIGATOR!!", he said franticly getting out his weapon and running to me. "WHAT! WHERES (Y/N)!!",my other brothers shouted out running over.

It made its way with every step, "(Y/N)! SNAP OUT OF IT!", Leo shouted making me move slightly. This in turn made the alligator charge at me, "AHH!", I turned as fast as i could and bolted to my brothers.

It was right behind me snapping it's mouth trying to grab me as I ran.' I Don't Wanna Die!', thinking the worst and not wanting death.

"(Y/N)! DUCK!",Donnie yelled as he Swings his bo staff. I tuck and roll under safely while the toothy creature smacked face first In to the hit.

My mind was stuck processing the shock of it all, all I could do was watch as my 12 year old brothers beat the living heck out of the thing.

When they were done it was unconscious and bleeding badly while the boys had minor injuries. "(Y/n) are you hurt any where?", Leo came running over inspecting me for any injuries. "Does it hurt any where?", Raph came over to do the same thing. "Guys she's still in shock she needs comfort", Donnie came over placing a hand on my shoulder while holding my cheek making me look at him.

"I know that was scary for you, you must have been terrified . . . We would Never let anything hurt you", he hugged me tightly and I felt tears building up.

The rest followed joining in on the hug only making me fully ball my eyes out. "I-I was so a-scared". I stuttered out in between sobs.

"I think it's time we go home", Leo said helping me on my feet.

I looked him over seeing his noticeable injuries. "What are you going to tell father about those?".

He let out a sigh," I'll think of something . . . hopefully", he muttered the last part.

I looked over the direction of the alligator . . . 'It so massive or maybe I was just small but still that thing could have killed me'.


Chapter 2

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