Gecko see gecko do

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Once we left the noodle shop I told Murakami-san I would pick up my things later, "Cowabungaaaaaaa", I heard a scream come from the roof tops.

"oh hes here", I looked up to see were he was coming from. "Its Mondo Gecko!", Mikey said excitedly.

"wait wait wait wait, 'Mondo Gecko?'", I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Mikey made it his mission to name every mutant", Donnie filled me in. "oh okay", 'that sounds like something he would do'.

"(y/n)! are we going to the pits or were ya goin to flake on me ", he came down from the roof tops meeting us at the back of the entrance of the noodle shop. "Oh are they going with us to?".

"whats the 'pits?' and we're you planing to just go? Alone?", Leo said sounding like a dad.

"Leo . . It's not that big of a deal it-", Jason cut in.

"Dudes are we going or not it's going to start soon", Jason took me by the hand and started running to the wear house.

"H-hey! Wait up", Mikey shouted running after us.

"Did a Gecko just take your sister?", April said tapping on the others shells.

"HEY WAIT UP!", the others yelled rushing to catch up.

"Jason haha, wait up", I said slowing him down so the others could catch up.

"No way it's been to long since we hung out and it's about to start! Ugh forget this!", he picked me up and started riding his skate board down the path, Mikey to my surprise also had a skateboard and was catching up fast.

"So we're is this place your stealing My baby sister to?", Mikey said playfully ridding around Jason.

"Only the most sickest most narly hangout spot for all mutants Ever!".

Mikey threw an egg in our path taking me out of Jason's hands, "that sounds awesome how come you never told us about this place before cupcake?", Mikey gives one of his mischievous smile's.

"Hey not cool dude!", Jason pouted.

"I was planning to honest . . But you know how Leo and Raph are, not to mention Donnie would flip if he knew I was responsible for it's existence". I held onto Mikey as we made our way to the warehouse only stopping for the rest of my brothers and friends to catch up with us.

"You guys could have at least stopped along the way", Casey said out of breath from the running. " honestly how long are you guys going to keep going!", April said equally as tired.

"MONDO!", Raph came charging at Jason with Leo close behind grabbing him by the shirt.

"Was There A Reason You Took Our Sister or Were You Just Giving Her A Joy Ride!?", Raph was ready to kill him.

"Mikey can you put me down and Raph don't kill Jason.", I walked over to the pipe making it the elevator open.

"If your so curious about the pit I recommend you come in side",I walked in not holding the elevator so they would have to rush in.

"Alright! Mikey dude you will love the arcade (y/n) set up Oh and Casey I want to see if you got better at blading they have narly drops and pipes for ridding and grinding!", Jason pulled them into the elevator pumped for all the fun.

"Say that again? 'The arcade (Y/N) made' what does that mean", Leo asked putting a sour note on what he just heard.

"What is that a problem?", I said getting a little sassy. "If you must know dear brother i also helped build this place because of the Kraang who If you haven't noticed Hunt Down Mutants Like Us!".

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