save the princess

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Karai's point of view

looking over I couldn't help but think I made a mistake in keeping you here, 'she's nothing but a Doll now....', "Father? what is the plan after we use her, will the worm be remov-".

"Do not ask meaningless questions, she will be used as I See Fit and once she is of no use then I give her to the Kraang", he spoke coldly and to the point.

'shes right ... he never tells me anything, now look at her ... this is my fault for being selfish', holding onto your hand she silently apologized.

When we got to the Don's place everything was unloaded and placed in the back waiting for the right moment while staying close to (y/n), 'this better finish fast so I can get that thing out of her ear'.

"Shredder, what brings you here? last I checked you were running round looking for some rats?", he munched on his food like a pig.

"Vizioso, I want this to end quickly so lets make a deal. I want half the territory on the south side  connecting to my area and in turn I will give you what you have lost", he said snapping his fingers.

"My territory?!? HA! what makes ya think I will give up my- ..... m-my .... my boy...", he dropped everything once they brought in Razz revealing his face to his father.

" ....", he didn't say a single word to the man just stared at him with disgust.

"my little boy ... w-what have- Where have ya been! Why Didn't Ya Come Back!", he yelled very upset.

"why would I .... your the reason we ended up like that", Razz scoffed at his father feeling very displeased about the situation.

"YOU KNOW I HAD NO CHOICE!", he slammed his hands on the table.

"we all have choices ... yours was blinded by greed and money, your the reason Ma's so out of it now ... she don't even remember my name", he looked away..

"wha- my Maria ... Shes here too?!?", he said looking at shredder.

"the woman is here but she isn't someone who you can speak to ... we can fix her but we need that deal Vizioso".

The Don thought it over and pulled out some paperwork, "Alright Deal ... you's can fix 'er right? if ya cant this deal is Over".

"we can and We Will", they shook on it and tossed the boy his way.

The Don made eye contact with me then (y/n) who I was trying to hide from his view, "Wait! t-that girl?!? How Did Ya- I've Been Trying To Find 'Er  Nest For A While So How Did You's Get Yo Hands On 'Er", he stood up in shock.

"I have my ways", he turned to leave but the Don stopped him.

"Wait! ... I'll give you anything ya want for the Girl! shes so rare I wanna add 'er to my 'collection'", he said looking like a wild animal that hasn't had food in days.

'what!? No way!', I pulled her out of the shop and into the car, "Shes not for sale shes Foot property". I said slamming the door.

"my daughter is right, she is Our pet and I am not selling, trading, or giving her to anyone", shredder left getting in a separate car.

*         *          *

Brothers pov

Watching from the shadows it was just like rocksteady said, They would meet at the Dons and then leave going back ... but shredder got in a different car going somewhere else Leaving the car with (y/n) wide open.

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