Round and Round again

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The ring fight went off super easy, I won of course but so did my brothers and a few others trying to take my Ace. Only 20 spots were open leaving 40 out of the running on the first event.

My brothers took down some weak mutants full of it, calling them selves the 'pack' all wolves and nothing but testosterone runs threw them, four out of eight wolves down.

"Tsk! You turtles got lucky My boys will Take that Ace and This Place Will be Ours!", the leader growled bearing his teeth to intimidate us.

"Why not save all that bark and go chase a car", Raph said snapping back at his remark.

"What did you say turtle boy!", he came closer to Raph. "You won't like it when I get angry or do you want another crack on that shitty shell of yours?", the rest of his little pack laughed.

"Im so sorry I think what my brother meant to say was~ go find a nice chew toy and Beat it flees for brains and take your wanna Beasts with ya", I said in a cold voice giving off an Alpha aura making them back up a little.

"B-boss . . She's not normal", one of them whispered with his tail between is legs.

"I know exactly what she is. . so tell me girly? How did you survive the Experiments". He said looking me dead in the eyes.

I went a little pale. "Sweet heart what's he talkin about", Raph placed his arm around me taking me away from the guy.

". . Noth-", Leo cut in placing his hand on my head. "We made a deal Shika", He called me by his little nick name he gave me when I was a baby  . . It was my first word and he thought it suited me well.

". . I'm not a deer . .", i pouted. "From my point of view I have to disagree with you baby sis", He smiled softly.

"So are you ganna spill what that guy was talkin about?", Raph said looking at us with a raised eye brow.

"It's not something we should focus on now . . After I win I can tell you all about it", I got out of there hold and walked to the second event.

Next event was where Mikey dominated with Casey and Jason getting a tie for third and fourth and me in second place, only ten spots were open with my brothers and the wolves filling up the other spots.

'As long as just one of us wins Ace is secured . . We just need to beat these wolves and it's done'.

I felt something touch the back of my neck and I reflexly jabbed behind me making the person double over in pain. "Ugh . . Jeez you got a jab on you for such a small thing", one of the wolves said as the rest came over.

"If it isn't Frankenstein's monster, you sure do Know how to get around these challenges", he chuckled with the rest of his wolves.

"If all you know how to do is talk the next competition should be easy for you~ now why not go entertain someone else with your idiotic comments puppy", I said gingerly as I walked away from him.

"Hey you good?", Casey came over concerned. "Yeah Im fine . . Next time one of them approaches me it won't end well that's for sure", I narrowed my eyes feeling a bit of rage.

Mikey put his weight on me as he hugged me from behind. "Did you see how awesome I was", In an adorable way he relaxed me.

"You are the best after all, I learned everything from you so of course I got second", I smiled enjoying his hug.

The third event was always nerve-racking for me, I can sing and entertain pretty well but it was the fact that my brothers were here that made it ten times worse for me.

Since I'm current Ace in every event I have to go first so this was . . Mortifying!. 'Keep it good! Keep it touching! Keep it real and they will love it', I was mentally preparing myself.

When I sang the song it left my brothers a little teary-eyed, that song was something I felt deeply and I knew they felt it to. (put emotional song here) 

Each one of them had there own acts and some of them didn't make it. Mikey, Leo and I made it while Casey, Raph, Jason and Donnie fell short.

"This is so totally bogus!", Jason pouted.

"I did tell you licking your eyes wouldn't make them laugh", I patted his back to help.

"I thought my science jokes were funny . .", Donnie sulked. "I did to, but you have to remember not everyone understands our smart people jokes big bro~", he gave me a half smile. "Your right, you need a big brain to understand", he let out a nerdy laugh ruffling my hair.

"I thought i was pretty entertaining", Casey said leaning on the wall with a disappointed face.

"Casey . . You just showed off your gear?", April chimed in snickering at Casey.

"AYY nothin wrong with dat".

"And Raph didn't even try he just gave up?", she added.

"I'm not the entertaining type", he shrugged.

"Humph looks like we're going head to head next", the wolf leader said from a distance.

"What are you going to make? Back wash water bowl?", i said mockingly making the others laugh.

"Very cute, what were you going to do Pour apple juice? This is my specialty sweet heart so I would watch yourself", he laughed.

"AY! Don't Call Me Sweet Heart You Over Sized Poodle!", I rawred back at him.

He smirked at me walking to the next event, "it's alright we'll just have to beat him so he stops talking smack", Mikey grinned.

"You know what . . Your right Let's do this", we walked to the next event.

"Alright this determines who will go head to head for the Title of Ace, we have three judges! Each person will make a drink and present it to them", the announcer stated the rules and what we had to do for the competition.

I made a mai tai, while Leo made cassis grapefruit thanks to Donnies instructions, Mikey made . . I'm not really sure what he made . . It was bubbling and over flowing in a purple like goo.

"Uhh Mikey . . W-whatcha got there?", I asked trying not to offend him.

"It's . . Wait a minute I know what your doing", he said hiding his 'drink'.

"You do?", I questioned. "Your trying to get my recipe! Sorry sis but not telling".

". . . Darn Mikey you got me", I said In a monotone voice.

We presented our drinks and seeing as there were only two spots for Ace head to head battle this was a big deal.

Mine got a perfect score of 10/10 . . But so did the leader of the wolves 'pack'.

Leo got a 7 while Mikey's . .well he made the judges pass out and stuck with food poisoning, they were rushed to the under grounds hospital facilities.

"Hump! To think you could actually match me", he murmured under his breath.

"I'm sorry did you say something mutt~", what I said set him off and he grabbed me by my shirt.

"Listen here girly-", he was cut off  by my brothers tackling him to the floor. "ugh!", he groaned. 

"Don't". "You". "Dare". "Touch her!". They each said then let go of him and took me away to the elevator were the last event would take place.


Chapter 19

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