Whats an ACE?!

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"Kick his butt princess", Raph encouraged me. "What is the last event anyway?", Mikey leaned on Raph making him irritated.

"It's a . . Side job of the Ace", I smirked evilly knowing that the position of Ace wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

"I know that face (y/n), what are you up to", Donnie pinches my cheek.

"Ow ow ow! Showwwy noh lesh goo",he let go of me leaving a little red mark.

"Ugh~ you didn't have to do that", pouting as I rubbed my cheek.

"Spill it", Leo raised his eye brows.

"Fine", muttering before I told them. "The Ace has a job that's why I told Leo to let me come a few times as our deal, there is a place under the pit that connects to the sewers . . It's called Death maze, it's were intruders go if the elevator scans a 'threat' of any kind".

"Wait a second, so your saying that You have to go down there!", Raph pushed his way threw.

"To do what exactly?!?", Leo questioned further.

"T-test the traps and see if the maze changes according to the algorithm and set system I programmed it to go off of", I said in a soft voice while playing with my fingers.

"I want a look at that data Now!", Donnie demanded.

"You would have to go to security and talk to Razz . .", he went straight there but before going he turned around.

"Don't go anywhere!", then he left.

'But the next event starts soon', I inched my way closer to the elevator while they were bickering.

"Look at you Monster Girl, you ready to-", I covered the leaders mouth to shut him up.

"Shh you, If I'm to loud they will know I snuck away so I could race you!", I pulled him to the elevators.

"Wait how do you know what the last event is? And it's a race! HAHA I will win for sure", he pulled my hand away and got in on his own as got in following him and the doors closed behind us.

The announcer started to speak "Now it's time to start the Death Maze Race, they are willing to become our new test dummy muahahaha". We started moving down.

"Jeez he loves doing that. . One of these days he's going to make some one wet there pant- hey you alright dude?", when I looked over at him he was practically panicking.

"You knew this was happening And Didn't Tell Me!".

"I mean I did tell you to drop out and beat it, not my fault you didn't listen. . Now you know why I'm Ace.", I leaned on the elevator wall.

"Dang your nuts? . . What's your name anyway girly?", he asked.

"It's (y/n), I guess I should ask for yours?", I smirked.

" . . Names gray".

"Gray? Really . . Like the color?", I raised an eye brow.

"Yes like the color", the elevator doors opened and I heard him gulp as the cold air came in. "Time to go". I said holding out my hand to him.
Chapter 20

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