bash some bots!

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Ive been hanging out alot more with Casey and the girls, its nice having someone to hang out with around my age . . other then mutants i mean.

Casey was practicing while April and I watched from the side lines, "Bored~ . . .", i said rolling into Arpils lap dramaticlly.

"I told you to bring something to work on (y/n)", she said flicking my fore head.

"ow . . rude", i pouted getting up looking for something to do.

"If your that bored want to try to take this puck from me?", Casey said from the ice.

Do nothing or get beat by casey . ."Your ON", I jumped over some seats grabbing back up scates and heading on the ice.

"this wont end well . . I'll join in so its a bit fair", April came in joining my team.

I smirked. "My army is rising in numbers".

"Calm down dork i have more experience then you", Casey tonted dropping the puck. "If you can get the puck away from me you win and if you dont do it with in 20 minutes i win". He tossed hocky sticks at us.

"Ready?". He got in his usual position. "Yup", we both said ready for what ever he was about to do.

He took off dropping April on her butt and me shaking like a new born deer, "Not cool Jones!", i yelled helping april up. "Dont hate the player hate the game", He yelled from a few feet away.

'you wanna play hard ball Fine', i got out of the stance he was using and got into a fighting one . . it was way easier for me to move around and i gained speed.

"Wow Hey", I pulled on his jersey knocking him on the ice but of couse he saved himself. "Tsk!", I was about to hit the puck but he blocked me using his size against me.

"Not bad freshy but you cant beat me", He smacked the puck on the other side not letting me get to it.

"its not me you should worry about jones i was just a distraction", i smirked winking at April.

"Shoot i forgot about Red!", by the time he turned around she already had the puck and sent it flying into the goal for dramatic affect.

"Done underestimate me jones!", April said slowly making her way over.

"Nice one April", i gave her a high five.

"so what was that about not being able to beat you", i crossed my arms.

"yeah yeah i get it", he rolled his eyes ruffling my hair.

After all the fun stopped Casey had to get off the ice to recharge, it was just me and april slowly making our way back to the side.

I felt something Off and looked around. 'I don't like this . . My guts telling me to run'.

"April something's not rig-", I was cut off by Foot clan ninjas.

"Oh no . . (Y/n) run", she said going the other direction.

I looked at her confused, "you know these guys?".

"It's a long stor- LOOK OUT!",she shouted making me turn around swiftly.

One of them was about to grab a hold on me but I smacked him with the hockey stick."I can see why Casey likes Hockey now".

"Did some body call for Casey Jones!", he hopped over the side joining me and April.

"Casey it's dangerous!", April warned him.

"Personally there not that threatening", I said jokingly . . There eyes were glowing red for a few seconds then weapons came out of them.

"You were saying", April said adding sass to her comment.

"At least they can't balance on ice?", and as if proving me wrong was there life goal they learned how to balance. "You know what I'll just shut up now".

"Casey Jones v.s. evil robo-ninjas!", he took out his hockey stick ready to fight.

"You know since things can't get any weirder I'm just going to do this". I tosses my hockey stick at Casey and reached for my naginata, it was in three parts so I could have it with me at all times.

"W-wait wait wait! YOU HAVE A WEAPON!",April said freaking out."Like a lagit can cut Weapon!", Casey repeated.

"You can unfriend me later right now I want to get these guys out of the way". I bolted to one knocking them on the ice and stabbing it threw the head.

Casey followed my lead and together we were able to take them all out with out any major accident.

Chapter 9

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