They've all fallen

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Karai POV

After flashing away Karai slowed her pace before coming to a full stop, ". . I'm such an idiot. .", slumping down laying on the roof top she covered her blushed face.

'I thought she was close to them because she was dating one of them . . .', Karai was watching you with the turtles for some time and it would always make her infuriated seeing you so buddy buddy with them.

"Now that I think about it I should have seen all the obvious signs", letting out a sigh she stood back up.

'The only reason I even fight with her is so I can talk to her and see her . . I feel like an idiot', she rubbed her arm and grimaced. 'If I didn't provoke her like I did she wouldn't have broken my arm . .', karai thought back to the fight they had.

Foot bots chased (y/n) and a child she was holding in her arms fleeing from danger as best she could, (y/n) snapped when the child that was no more then 3 started bleeding and crying.

'I tripped her making her drop that kid and then she snapped my arm like a twig . . I've never seen her more blood thirsty then In that moment'. She got the chills just thinking about it.

"I should go back before father realizes I'm gone", she picked herself up and went on her way.

Razz POV

"Wonder what got him in a bad mood", he said quietly to no one in particular.

"The only thing I could think of that would get him that way would probably be Her . . No doubt about it", he murmured the last part.

"Then again I'm no better", he said with a smile.

'I met her a few years ago n back then she was only 11 while I was 14, I thought it was my mission to protect her after what we both went threw in that hell hole', he let out a heavy sigh getting up to stretch.

"She was so small and weak back then . . But that's not the case any more", he thought back to when they met in the Kraang holding cells where they were used as test dummies for mutagen, on both him and you.

'At first I just wanted to protect her but as the years went by I fell for her . . I didn't care if she was still young, I love her to this day and that will never change', he held a locket around his neck.

It was a gift from you for his 15th birthday, he keeps a picture of you in that locket at all times. "You are more precious to me then anything else in this world my little humming bird", he kisses the locket.

"Razz we're here! You can take your break now!", Gray said walking in with two other wolves.

"Good I needed to take a breather if you need me I'll be in my room see ya", he walked passed them looking exhausted.

'Thanks to you I now have a home, this wouldn't have come to life if you weren't here saving everyone from death, hunger, and sickness' he smiled feeling proud of you.

"I just wish I could see you more often", he said sweetly to him self.

Gray POV

"Alright guys you know what to do", he sent them to there posts while he stayed in the main section of security.

He was bored after just five minutes of starting, "this isn't really my style but I need to work to eat and sleep not to mention shower . . God how I missed showering with hot water", he said pleased.

'And it's all thanks to her . . I was so rude and yet she offered me and the guys a place to stay', he smiled like a doofus.

He snapped himself out of it,"not cool dude she's just a kid". He shook his head and tried to think of something else.

'She was cool though, the maze was like nothing to her and the way she fights is amazing. .', he caught himself thinking of you again. "Ugh- man I need something to distract myself with".

'Why can't I get you out of my head! Ugh this is annoying'. He only recently started to develop the strange feelings that he thought were feelings of admiration.

"Hey Gray Stop Spacin Out", one of the wolves said smacking him on the back of the head.

"Ow! the heck was that for?!?", He rubbed his head.

"This is from that girl", handing over a little box.

"girl?", looking it over it was from you and he smiled a little and opened it to see cute little wolf key chains with everyones name on it and a note.

"key chains?", he looked over them as everyone else went to grab there's, looking over the note it said 'this is a welcome home gift~ hope everyone likes them love your new friend (y/n). ps try not to make to much trouble.'

reading over the note he felt a warm feeling as he smiled again, "Gray why are you smiling? Wait You Don't Like That Shrimp Do-".

"SHUT UP AND GET TO WORK!", he barked out feeling flustered.

Chapter 24

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