Stroy time with Friends

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"wait wait so How did you get your memory back (y/n)", April who was away for most of my amnesia was surprised and shocked that i was able to remember everything in less then a week.

"Ugh! dont get me started", i said taking a seat.

"Come on your brother's are out and i really wanna know! was it an Emotional ride? Did someone trigger it with love and stuff like in the movies", she said sounding way to happy about it.

"fine ill tell you .... so after they found me".




"What is this suppose to do again Donatello?", I said looking at a lot of tech hooked up to my head.

"the theory is if I stimulate some controlled shocks then your memory might come back", he said looking over the tech.

"Wait Its A Theory?!?", Raph came in and slapped the thing off my head and took me out of the lab.

"Raph! I Wasn't Do-".

"Don't Hook Her Up To Your Theory's I Want 100% Will Work Methods", he yelled leaving with me.

He sat me on the couch and told me to wait, "Oh Cupcake~ I made your favorite! A Pizza with pepperoni ... and that cotton candy you like with sprinkles and for a kick I put pineapple and sardines".

The smell made me gag as tears formed, "Mikey that's Your Favorite". Leo came in and helped me out.

"why don't we watch space heros", he said turning on the Tv.

Raph came back with a box and scoffed at the Tv, "Really your making her watch that Dumb show".

"Space hero's is Not a Dumb show, Its An Amazing show and you don't give it the credit it Deserves, Heck you haven't even watched it!", he said annoyed.

"cuz its dumb~ anyways, Princess come here", I got up and went over to see what he had.

"what is that anyway?", Leo looked at the box.

"I saved ... some things from when we were kids", he placed it down.

"looks like a lot more then 'somethings'", Leo said quietly.

"what was that?".

"Nothing nothing~", Leo joined us.

We went threw the box and it was filled with a lot of things from scribbled doodles and finger paints to bracelets and hand made crafts.

"d-did I make all of these", I said looking at a really cute popsicle stick turtle.

"I remember that thing", Mikey said hopping over the couch. "you wanted to make that thing so bad we ate a whole box of popsicles so you could make it .... then we barfed", he said shuddering at the end.

"Wait this was in there!?!? I looked for this for days?!?", Leo pulled out a little drawing of what looked like him and I. "Why was this in the box ...", he looked at Raph and he shrugged.

"Hey Wait This Was Mine!", Mikey pulled out a small skate bored made of popsicles. "she made this for me on our mutation day ... why was it in there", he hugged it.

Donnie came over at the sound of yelling and looked at what we were around, "wait is that the 3D model of Love she made me, I thought I lost it", he pulled out a diorama.

They all looked at eachother then at Raph, "Raph where was this ....".

"Look I know what your thinking and No I Didn't Steal Your Stuff .... I think", he said unsure.

"You Think! Dude This Was The One Thing I Loved More Then Pizza!", Mikey raised his voice surprising his brothers.

"Mikey's Right ... This is what (y/n) and I worked together for hours to make and You Had It This Whole Time", Donnie was getting mad.

'this isn't good', I backed away from the hell that was breaking loos and hid behind the couch.

"How Do You Not Remember!", Leo said as they all ganged up on Raph.

"w-when where these made?!?", Raph said trying to get a good idea for when this happened.

"mine says 02/28/20XX", Leo says flipping the paper over.

"..... okay don't be mad but that might have been when I didn't get along with her and to get back at you I hid them", he said sweating.

"WHAT", they said and tackled him.

they wrestled for a bit and he escaped running around with all the commotion they started throwing things and one of them being a practice weapon, "Ah! (Y/N) WATCH OUT!!".

By the time they called out it was to late and it hit her square on the forehead, "See What Your Lies Did Raph!", Mikey hovered over me while Donnie looked me over.

"this is going to hurt when she wakes up", he said taking us to the lab.

They argued and bickered for an hour, "If you just told us Before This Wouldn't Have Happened!".

"Well I Was Lonely Back Then And Obviously Took It Out On You Guys", Raph said with a huff.

"Shh shh, shes waking up", Donnie said looking me over.

They gathered around me, "hey there sleepy head ... h-how you feelin", leo said feeling uneasy.

"swear to lord if she forgets everything again ima kill some one", Raph said smiling threw the sentence.

"umm ... what the heck Ahh!! My Head!", I held my hand over my forehead where a slight bump was formed.

"its alright .. do- do you know where you are", Donnie said looking anxious.

"the heck are you talking about!? Im in the lab", I said annoyed.

"Wait shes angry~", Raph said happily.

"Duh Im Angry You Guys Head Shot Me With A Wooden Katana!", I got out of the bed and looked in a mirror.

"Guys you know what this means!!", Leo said happily.

"Wait- WHAT AM I WEARING!!! Im In Pink! Its A Dress!?!?", I was confused and Mad as all hell. "STOP LOOKING HAPPY AND TELL ME WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!!", I said looking pissed.

They ignored my anger and hugged me, "Welcome back baby sis!!".

I smacked them on the head and walked to my room to change into something Black and then burned the pink atrocity I was wearing.




"and that's how I remembered everything", I said feeling tired from explaining.

"Wait That Dress Was Mine!! (Y/N)!!", she said sadly.

"Oops ... we can always go shopping and Pink isn't your color anyway", I said looking away awkwardly.

".... that felt like a back handed compliment", she said not knowing how to take what I just said.

"What was that? ... someones calling me", I got up and skedaddled out of there.

"Wa- NO ONES HOME COME BACK HERE!!!", she got up chasing after me.

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