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"ITS A TRAP! You Know That Right!?!",Casey was blocking my way.

"Yea I know it's a trap", I pushed my way past him.

"We need to tell your brothers this is to dangerous for you to take on alone", April said grabbing hold of my arm.

"Why so they can go  themselves and leave me at home like I'm a Dumb Baby Who Needs Protecting?!?", I said yelling out of frustration. "No thanks, this is My problem so I will deal with it", she looked surprised by my outburst and flinched making me feel bad about yelling at her suddenly.

I let out a sigh and calmed down a bit,"look ... you know how we were apart and I'm still stuck in that mentality that 'I can deal with it on my own' and 'I don't need help' ... sorry for yelling but that little girl needs me".

She looked at me and understood how I was feeling,"I get it, still telling your brothers is better then going alone".

With that we went back home to tell them everything that happened and just like I thought they started to scold me about wanting to go alone.

"And so you thought it was a Good idea to go alone?", Leo said looking at me with his arms crossed.

"What if you got caught, Then What?!?", Raph added to it.

"Think before acting next time, you could have been in danger and who knows what they would do to you?!?", Donnie said joining in on the matter.

"Are you done?", I said coldly not enjoying the situation giving them a scowling look.

"Excuse me young lady but-", Leo was going dad mode so I cut him off.

"Leo as Much As I Appreciate the lecture~ I came here to see If You Could Help ... So if your not then im leaving With or With out You", I took out my weapon and started to walk out the lair.

"Hold it right there Princess", Raph took a hold of my shoulder. 

"don't try to stop me Raphie", I said looking at him with a hint of anger.

He let out a soft scoff and grinned at me, "There's no way ill leave you to kick some butt with out me". He started walking out of the Lair with me.

"Don't forget about me", Mikey came over calming my rage by lightening the mood with his silliness.

The others let out a sigh and slowly followed behind, "honestly ... You to are Way to much alike you know that". Leo said rubbing his temple.

"you got that right ... when she gets mad its like having Two Raphael's", Donnie followed close behind.

April and Casey looked over at us from a head and back at Leo and Donnie, "I always wondered but how come Raph and (y/n) are so close?". Casey said genuinely curious, "I mean like the night she called Raph I thought for sure she would call Leo?".

April nodded agreeing with Casey and they noticed Leo looking  a bit irritated with the question while Donnie answered, "When Splinter first brought her home we instantly fell in love with her but ... Raph took a while to warm up to her and she tried really hard to make him like her and now there super close".

He explained to them simply, "Really?". 

Leo chimed in as his irritation showed as clear as day, "yes really now can we keep moving". He went to catch up with Me, Raph and Mikey.

"what was that about", April asked Donnie.

Donnie sighed, "Although Leo was always there for (y/n), she relies on Raph for  ... this type of stuff and he wants her to need her for everything, I get a bit jealous about it to but were all close to her in different ways". He looked over at us and watched me giggle at Mikey and he smiled to himself.

"Brotherly competition", April said smiling at us to. 

"yeah I still don't really get it? I just have a sister and shes annoying", he shrugged.

Going threw the city by roof top i was getting ready for the worst as we approached The foot clans base. "so everyone knows the plan?", i asked looking over everyone.

"You go in and we follow from the secret entrance on top", Mikey said.

"Then we wait for them to show you the girl", Raph added.

"We go down as back up while you get her out of there", Leo said.

"Then we retreat and bring her some place safe", Donnie finished.

I nodded then looked at the building and back at them, "and if things go bad ... you know what we-".

"That wont happen We Wont Let It Happen A Second Time", Leo said looking me dead in the eyes.

I was taken my surprise but smiled, "Right~".

Going down i walked to the door with my hoodie on but before i could open the door someone stopped me, "Well look at my cute little monster~ come to visit me".

I smiled and put on a care free act, "Riri~ you came to show me around? How 'nice' of you".

She gave me a scoff and took a hold of my hand taking me inside, "dont just stand there ... he's waiting".

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