Protecc Gecko

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After I helped close up shop and called it good for the night there was a sudden knock at my window. "hum . . what the . .", the tapping continued as I looked at the clock. "are you kidding", I mumbled getting up slowly.

pulling back the blinds I saw a cute gecko looking back at me with innocent eyes mean while I was annoyed. "hey open up bruh its like An Emergency", He yell whispered.

"Jason its 2 am . . 2AM!", I yell whispered back.

"Come on Please", he pleaded.

"ugh fine", I opened the window while he sneaked in quietly. 

He sat on the bean bag chair I had in the corner I looked him over and noticed he was hurt. "w-wow hey what happened?", I rushed to get a better look.

" . . w-well Mr. X happened . .", he looked away from me knowing full well how I felt towards the foot clan.

I let out a heavy sigh grabbing a first aid kit. "what happened this time", I started cleaning his injuries.

"one of the guys I brought beat him and . . it didn't end well for me . .".

"I don't want to nag you buuuuut I told you so", I pressed his cut as I said that.

"Ow! . . I know I know but what else can I do . . Were else can I go!", he hung his head.

I bit my lip feeling guilty for not saying anything earlier but I didn't trust him enough in the beginning . . but now  . . "Jason lets go somewhere fun tonight But You Have To Promise Not To Tell Bad People."

He looked at me confused. "like a date? or . .".

"what no its a . . well I say hang out place but some people live there too, what im trying to say is it's a safe place for Mutant kids and some adults to that have no were to go.", I got up putting on a hoodie.

"how do you know something like that if your not a mutant?".

"because it was my blue prints not to mention the location", I said in a muttering small voice.

"wow . . never would have pegged ya for the righteous type",he got up slowly.

"that's the second time today  . . why cant people just say 'wow (y/n) thanks for the help' is that to much to ask?". I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed my skateboard and weapon heading out to the docks. 'this is going to kill my sleep schedule'. when we arrived it looked the same as when I was here 3 years ago.

"this just looks like a run down storage house (y/n)? were you joshin me?", he looked confused and wondered around.

"haha no I wasn't this is the place, everything else is under ground", I walked up to a pile of large tubes and barrels reaching my arm in between a small gap opening one of the larger pipes in the pile.

"wooow that's the coolest thing ive ever seen", he ran in the elevator and I followed him in.

"Now scanning", a female robotic voice said. 

"scanning? for what?"

"anything or any one that doesn't belong", I told him a lie but it was a half truth. ' when it scans it will pick up the face and be verified by the system or security on the other side and if the face is not in the program it wont let them in and launch them in the ocean'.




*Ding* "now entering B - Floor 1 main lobby", when the doors opened we were taken threw the security section to verify any loose ends.

we were met by one of the residences of this fine place. "Sup (y/n)  . and . (y/n)'s friend", he extended his hand to Jason.

"Sup bruh names Jason im a Gecko", he said showing off his eye licking skills.

'eww . . but kinda cool I guess'

"Im Raz don't let my looks fool you I am a mutant . . Im what they call a lucky one I can change at will". he winked at Jason and in the blink of an eye he went from human to a puma or in jasons words.

"Dude your a big cat! Cool Can You Land on Your Feet! Oh are you flexible?", he was asking question after question.

"I can answer all your questions but first you need to answer some of mine and agree to some of our conditions alright", he said showing him the way.

"sure . .but", he looked over my way.

"don't worry ill be on the lower floor blowing off steam, Raz will show you the way okay", I gave him a smile telling him it would be alright.

'I hope he can pass Razz's little interview if not . . he wont be able to live here', I made my way back on the elevator. "huh what a day man . . .", I pushed a button activating a secret section to the panel. "time for the pit", I pushed a button labeled pit taking me to the last floor on the elevator. 

When the doors opened music was blasting the smell of food cooking and the sound of excitement filled my senses.

"time to party~", I walked off the elevator. 


Chapter 7

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