new friends?

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After school was over I went to place all my junk into my locker, club was canceled for the next few months due to a supply thief leaving not enough equipment to practice with and going to martial arts would be to easy for me seeing as I beat there captain effortlessly.

'Now what . . . I could always go to the pi-', my thought's we're cut short by a Very loud boy.

"(Y/n)!", I turned to see him waving at me like an idiot with his cave like smile.

To be nice I waved back but felt a dagger like stare coming my direction.'i just got the chills . . Feels like someone trying to steal my soul', I looked to see who was giving me murder vibes and to my surprise it was a red head next to him.

He came over placing his hand on my shoulder and dragging me to his group of friends.

"Guys this is the freshy I was talking about",he said with a proud expression.

"Hi I'm irma, don't let this guy drag you around he's a trouble maker", she said in a nerdy tone.

"Am not I just like having fun and you guys don't appreciate my style".

"I'm (y/n) I hope we can get along", I said with a sweet smile.

"Don't be rude introduce yourself",Irma nudged the red head.

"April . . Nice to meet you", she said in a flat tone.

'Haven't even talked to her and she already hates me'

"She's managed to skip a level so I asked her to help me with stuff, I'm heading to her place to study".

"You are?!?", we all said at once.

"I could help you'd study Casey why didn't you ask me?!", April said a little hurt.

"We can all study together if you want?", he said not understanding what she meant.

'Wow he's so dense it actually hurts'

While they were talking I slipped passed them walking to the school doors. "Hey dont just leave like that!", he bolted for me grabbing ahold of my backpack.

'So close . . .'

"If you don't hurry I'll leave you I have to work in a few hours at the shop",I said bluntly.

"Wait the place you got the food from this morning right", I nodded."sweet then you can hook us up with food and studying!", he dragged me out the front door with the two girls walking behind.

"Murakami-San i brought friends over to study is that okay?",I said when I walked in.

'It was a slow day so I don't think he needs my help'.

"It is fine it's nice to meet you all, she's never brought friends over before this is a nice change", he said sweetly.

"Murakami-saaannn!", I whined embarrassed.

"Nice yo meet you to sir I'm Casey". "I'm Irma I love your restaurant. "April Nice to meet you".

'Oh so she can be nice'

"I'll make you kids some snacks",he went to the kitchen.

"Casey what did you need help with exactly?", I asked before we sat down.

"A stupid project for world history . . It was so rigged man",he pouted.

"No you just have bad luck", April laughed.

"The teacher made us pull out a random piece of paper and he got stuck with Japan",Irma filled me in on the rest.

"Oh your in luck I have books on Japan and it's history, culture, religion and all the other stuff". I said getting up from my seat.

"Your a life saver", Casey fake cried."I'll be super quick so give me a sec", I raced up stairs leaving them in the shop below.

Murakami POV

I heard her go upstairs as I finished making the food, once I took it out I had to make sure they knew what kind of place she was in.

"Sorry to keep you waiting", placing the food in front of them.

"This smells delicious!", they all said in excitement.

"Thank you for being here she never brings anyone over let alone talks about any friends".

"W-wait she's never had anyone over?", Casey replied taking the bait.

"She's a very reserved child and is shy at times . . She's strong but doesn't know how to communicate with others her own age, I was beginning to think she would never have a friend".

"If you don't mind me asking sir but how old is your daughter?",the girl known as April said curiously.

"She's 13 this year, also I believe you are mistaken but she is not my daughter . . Personally I see her as a granddaughter more then anything".

"Wait so your not related?", she said confused.

"It's best if you asked her it is not my place to say".

"I Got The Books! I Had More Then I Thought I Did", she yelled from the stairs.

"All I ask is that you be good to her . . . She's had to many bad things happen in her life . . I hope your the one good thing she has".

Your POV

"It took me a while to find the history books but I think I have everything you need-", when I got there Casey looked like he was sad about something . . Actually the whole atmosphere felt like a pitty party.

"You guy's ok?", I said placing the books down confused.

"Yeah were good, (y/n) have you ever been to a hockey game before?", Casey asked looking determined about something.

"No, I don't really have an interest in anything unless it's fighting? Why?",I tilted my head.

"Your going to the Friday night game with us! No backing out, flaking, or bailing!", he said sternly.

"O-okay I got it", I raised my hands up to keep him at a distance.

"It will be fun April and I go to support this loser he's not half bad", Irma said teasingly.

"Wait your the one playing?". I was shocked but then I thought it explained why his mouth looked like a cave.

"Yup im 100% awesome and I've won three games in a row this season.", he posed dramatically.

The evening went on like this till the sun started to set, April even softened up after she realized I wasn't a threat to her goal of romance.

'Friday . . . That leaves me the weekend to go to the pits I haven't been there in a while . . Wonder how jasons's doing'.


chapter 6

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