Death Maze

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He took my hand and we walked out into total darkness, his eyes had to adjust to the darkness but thanks to my mutations I can see in the dark no problem.

"If you don't want to be incinerated, electrocuted, or shot with bullets I recommend you follow me".

"You really are nuts, so this is why you have been Ace for so long?", he questioned following me closely.

"Yup, once people get down here they end up scared out of there Minds", I chuckled softly.

I stopped in my tracks making him freeze. "w-what is it?", he looked around but saw nothing. "There's trip wires here and from the looks of it it's either a fire trap or an ice trap", I picked up a rock.

"Stand back gray", I chucked the rock making it split into small pieces.

". . Nothing hap-", the trap activated leaving a blaze of flames dancing in its path.

"Never mind, so did you memorize this place or are you just scary accurate?", he cleared his throat as he continued to act casual.

"Yes to both, every hour it changes and so every pathway changes", I said simply.

As we went threw the maze we began to talk more and more, to my surprise he was very easy to talk to when the rest of his hype boys weren't around.

"So mr. wolf leader? How did you meet the rest of your 'pack'", I questioned feeling curious of there story.

". . We were on a team together, last thing I remember was going to an icecream parlor then some guys showed up and knocked everyone out", he rubbed his neck.

". . How many got changed?", I stopped to ask.

"It was 12 of us . . And now there's 8", he said punching the wall. "Some of them were taken to a different room and had a long scar on there necks . . Some lived only an hour while some made it to three weeks", he looked at me and narrowed his eyes, "how did you live for so long?".

". . I'm smart and thanks to that I was able to correct there mistake . . If they ever got a hold on me I would be the down fall of this world", I kept moving.

"Now your just being dramatic~", he mumbled as we kept going.

"Oh we're not that far, if we keep going at this pace the maze won't change on us", I said picking up the pace.

"How can you tell we're getting closer? Everything Looks The Same!", he threw his hands in the air.

"Come on your a dog? Can't you feel the difference? The air is less sewage and more fresh also the slight breeze coming threw", I point out making him perk up to his surroundings.

". . Your right, you sure are sharp".

"Thanks~ also this has been on my mind for a bit but how old are you? The way you act is like a 15 year old but your mutation makes it hard to tell?", questioning this made him laugh a bit.

"I'm 17 but I get told I don't really act my age, I'm the oldest out of the rest and our youngest is about 13", he said proudly.

"Ooh same age as me".

"Wait really? Dang . . For kid you sure are taking a lot on", he let out a heavy sigh. "Sorry for all the grief I gave you back there, knowing you were the one who has to do all this makes me respect you in a way", in a genuine tone I could tell he wasn't just saying it.

"Yeah yeah, don't get mushy on me now big guy", there was a slight light at the end of the path way. "Oh looks like we made it!".

He's ears perked up as he saw the light,"finally it's felt like ages!". He started to run to the light.

"Hey Wait THERES STILL TRAPS YOU MORON!", as I said that he set off one of the more dangerous traps.

"Tsk!", I ran to push him out of the way from the on coming blades. "Ugh!", i got a cut on my arm any slower and we both would have gotten sliced in half.

He looked at me in shock, "H-hey you alrig-".

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING! What Part Of DEATH MAZE! Do You Not Understand!", i yelled at him ignoring my pain.

"I- forget about that your arm!", he went to look at my arm.

"We're almost out if we stop now the maze will move, we can worry about my injuries later", I pulled my self up going to the exit.

"Hey! . . Dang your stubborn", he followed me to the exit.

When we got to the end it went to another elevator taking us back up to the security area, the whole way up he kept bugging me about my arm.

Once the doors opened I was bombarded by everyone inside. "(Y/n)! Are you- oh my gosh shes bleeding!".

"I told you to Wait! Now Look At You!".
"Quick someone get a first aid kit! No get medic, wait Donnie Fix Her!".
"MIKEY SHUT UP! We told you not to go in there! Donnie why didn't you stop her!".
"Me! I Was Looking At Data! Leo why didn't you!".

Razz came over to help me out, "they've been like this since you left, we also watched the whole thing from the cameras and the way they screamed when you got hurt destroyed my ear drums.", he chuckled sadly.

I looked over to see Gray with his friends as they made sure he was alright as well.

"At least I'm alive right", I smiled feeling better about my title being secure.

"Hey gray!?", I called out to him.

"What is it short stack?", he said coming over.

"Short sta- never mind, about what you said earlier? If you were Ace, do you guys not have a place to stay?", i tilted my head slightly.

"Ahh- well not exactly", he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Razz do you still need help?".

"Yeah, we're a bit short handed in the security division, why?"

"Gray if your up to it would you and your boys want to work here, in exchange for room and board of course".

"Wait are you kidding me?! Really!". I looked at Razz to see what he thought, "as long as you don't cause trouble and do exactly as I say then we shouldn't have an issue, I would love the help". He extended his hand to shake on it and Gray took it gladly.

"Thank you! For everything! We really oh you one for this (y/n)". Gray went with Razz to check out the facility.

'Welp that takes care of that'. "(Y/n)", my brothers called in a concerned tone. 'Oh right . . Them', I turned slowly thinking they would yell at me.

"Don't ever scare us like that again", they hugged me tightly.

I smiled gently and hugged back," sorry for being a trouble maker".
Chapter 21

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