Its the little things in life

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After a long day of morning training and school I made my way to visit Mr. Murakami.

"Time to go visit my favorite grandpa~", when I got to the shop the smell of pork buns and fresh meat filled my senses.

"Ummmm~ That smells amazing", with the heavenly sent filling my nose I was drooling Immediately.

"Ah- you here earlier then I thought", he came at the sound of the bell bringing in fresh vegetables.

"I came over to drop off a gift for you, now I kinda want some food", I rubbed my hands together feeling my hunger take over.

He laughed lightly at me, "would you like to cook together then". He offered happily, I said yes with a great happy feeling in my heart.

We started to cook together like old times, "you still can't cut the potatoes in even strips (y/n)".

"How do you know?", I said shocked he could even tell.

"Simple, I can feel them and there are oddly shaped", he laughed threw his sentence.

"Hey, I-I'll have you know I've improved in other things and didn't have time to cut . . Potatoes. .", i made a lame excuse.

"You can't lie to me, I know you to well my dear", he patted my back as he moved passed me to get bowls.

After our meal I gave him his gift, when he opened if he was confused about what it was.

"I don't understand? What is this exactly", he felt around it's rectangular shape with a smooth glass texture.

"It's a phone Donnie made especially for you, he said something about it being ahead of its time".

"I-I greatly appreciate this. . . But how would I use it?", he said confused.

"Ah~ that's the great part about this, it's voice activated so you say something like 'call (y/n)' and it will, you can even text with it just by saying 'text to:' and it will repeat it back to you. Isn't that neat!". I was explaining everything else to him and how to properly use the device.

"What if I break it? Or it falls in water!? If I leave it somewhere and can't find it?!?" he clutched it in his hands.

"It's water proof, resistant to all accidents and or dropping so very durable, it also has a sound feature on it so it will make a loud sound so you can hear wear you've left it".

"I guess he thought of everything", he said feeling relieved.

"Yup he is very good at what he dose, now you will be able to call me when you miss me", I smiled happily.

Chapter 25

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