Im home

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I stopped Raph from using Casey as a punching bag and asked him to take me back home to see the others, We traveled by roof top till we got to the Man hole.

Raph opened it letting them go in first . " . . . ", I stared at the man hole feeling uneasy.

"don't worry so much", Raph said holding my hand.

"I-I wasn't", I pouted hating that he could still see right threw me.

He chuckled, "its nice to see you haven't changed a bit now, come on I'll lower you in", He helped me down and Casey made sure I didn't fall from the drop.

"its straight this way", April was leading the way.

The sewers were different since I never got this far, every sound made me uneasy as I got flash backs to the alligator. 'why am I scared all of a sudden  . . Im Strong I can handle this'.

Just as I was in my thoughts I tripped over a rock almost falling into the sewage, "hey be careful! I don't want you falling in anymore water", Raph caught me before I fell in.

"thank you . .", I took a hold of his hand, he didn't shake me off and held on tightly.

we got to a section I remembered and at this point I knew how to get home, 'its been so long yet nothing changed, I wonder if the lair is still the same'.

When we got to the lair I hesitated to walk in, "hey you okay?", Raph came down to my eye level.

"yeah I just need a minute is all", I tried calming down again this time I was worried and anxious.

Raph placed his fore head on mine, "we all love you now come on don't keep them waiting any more". I walked behind Raph peeking around.

'wow everything got an upgrade even the kitchen looks better'.

"Raph were did you run off to It was still light out side! what if some one saw you", leo said coming out of the dojo.

"I went to go pick someone up", Raph side stepped revealing me.

He stood there in shock not moving at all, " . . b-big brother Leo?", I walked up to him and he fell to his knees.

"Y-Your Alive I-I Thought I Lost You ",He hugged me tightly crying his heart out.

"shh its okay im here", I rubbed his back.

All the crying from Leo caught Mikey's attention as he came out his room. "Dudes whats with all the yell-", He stopped mid-sentence when he saw me.

"Mikey", I called him in my sweet voice.

" . .(y-y-Y/N)!!!", He came over crying and joined Leo and I in the hug.

"you guys stop crying its okay", I gave them kisses hoping it would help as I rubbed there backs.

"I promised didn't I, 'I wouldn't die' and I didn't". I pulled them off so they could get a better look at me.

They had tear stained faces and I removed there tears like I did with Raph before, I gave them each a kiss on the forehead then let go.

I looked at an all to familiar Lab Door, "hes in there right?", Raph nodded.

"if you hear hysterical crying its just him", I walked to the lab door cracking it open.

He was working on something in total focused mode, 'just like always'. I opened the door and went inside.

He didn't notice me so I walked closer watching from over his shoulder then at his computer, "Donnie I wouldn't put any more or else it's going to blow up". I said making him flinch.

"Wa- . . . (Y/n) but how . . We thought . . But . . Your alive", Donnie was still holding his dropper and putting way to much into the beaker.

"If you Keep doing that I Wont Be!", I pulled him over a safe distance and flipped a desk over.

The chemical he was working on exploded making the lab fill up with smoke, Donnie covered me from the blast holding me in his lap.

"ARE YOU GUYS OKAY!", Leo yelled from the door way.

"Everything's okay just a slight miscalculation" ,he yelled back.

"IS MY CUPCAKE ALRIGHT!", Mikey yelled in a panic.

"I'm Okay", with all the commotion I was surprised dad didn't break out of his meditation.

Donnie still had me in his lap not moving  or letting go of me,"DonDon?", I said looking up only to see him with teary eyes.

"I'm so glad your alright, back then I-I couldn't pull you and Raph out so I always thought I was at fault . . . I failed as an older brother-", I cut him off holding his face in my hands.

"Look at me! I let go It was My Fault! I-I wanted to save you all from falling in s-so I let go", I placed my fore head on his. "You are a wonderful big brother and because you taught me so many things I was able to survive out on the surface".

"Really", he gave me a slight smile.  "Really really, I even managed to skip a Grade level cuz of it". I smirked making him smile more.

"There's that smile I love to see", I got up helping him in the process.

I held his hand as we walked out of the lab so we could all be together, I looked in the direction of dads room.

"I'll go get him for you", Leo walked to fathers room.

They could see me getting nervous again and hugged me from all sides. "Thanks guys".

"You don't need to be so anxious all the time", Raph said placing his chin on the top of my head. "Just relax more he will be happy to see you", Mikey was rubbing my back. "He's missed you a lot so don't feel like you did anything wrong", Donnie held my hand tightly.

I heard them walking down the hall, "come on sensai it's important", Leo said dragging father to the living room. "Did Donatello blow up his lab again", he said in a serious tone. "No it's more important then that".

When they both came in the room Father stood in shock his hands shaking as he looked me over,"My sweet daughter. . Your so big my beautiful musume".

I ran into his arms,"I've missed you father", he hugged me back tightly.

We stayed like this for a while before letting go. This time he was the one removing my tears,"you haven't changed a bit", I said with a smile.

"You have, your hair is longer and you got taller", he patted my head.

"Im home", i said in a soft voice as I hugged him again.

"Welcome home my daughter".

Chapter 12

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