cant have both

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Karai was walking beside me as we made our way threw the building getting stairs from the others around us as we entered the elevator.

She broke the silence, "so why are you here? didn't think you were stupid enough to get caught like this let alone come Willingly".

"willingly is not what I would call it ... provoked is more like it, Not having a choice is a good one to", she looked over at me not understanding what I meant. " .... you don't know do you? ... figures he didn't tell you Again", I scoffed irritated with the situation.

"Whats that suppose to mean!?!", she said with attitude.

"well its like that time we first met, that time you found out on accident that I was your target for a raid And that other time-".

"I GET IT", she yelled cutting me off.

"he wont tell you everything ... your smart and I know how 'good' you could be ... but you follow him like a lost puppy so we tend to not mix well", I said leaving the elevator once the doors open.

"(Y/n) Wai-",she tried to say something but was cut off by the sudden voice to the side of us.

"Well looks like you did come for the brat, heh ... our info was right after all", Bradford's comment made me flinch.

'info? from who!? im Always careful Especially when going to the base ... unless ...', I glared at them thinking the worst. "Who gave you information about me and the kid you over  grown chihuahua", I said shooting them death glares.

"wouldn't you Love to know", he laughed at me taking a hold of my arm walking me into the main room.

Once we got there they hit the back of my leg making me Kneel in front of shredder forcing my head down as 'respect', "So you came Girl, I Thought You Would Have Come Sooner For Your 'Pet'".

"She is not a 'Pet' you Dead pool looking reject", I said looking up at him.

He made an unamused sound getting up from his throne, "Now listen here child ... You Need To Learn Respect", he squished my face with his hand raising it up forcing me on my tippy-toes.

"ugshh", I tried to make him let go of me but I couldn't escape from his grasp.

"I want to make a little deal with you~", he said amused with my struggle. "I need you for something Very Specific", he set me down and let go of my face looming over me like a beast about to kill its pray. "If you agree to this I will let the girl go And after the job is done you will go free", he said turning from me walking back to his seat.

"and if I refuse ...", I said testing out the waters.

"then you and that child will be my prisoners for me to do with you as I wish ....Kill you, Sell you, Dissect you~ there are no limits to your options", he smiled evilly Laughing like the villain he is.

"where is she ... I need to know shes okay".

"you will see her once the deal is made, I am no fool (y/n) ... I know fully well what You are capable of", he snapped his fingers and some foot soldiers came in with a collar and chains. 

I looked in horror because I knew perfectly well what was about to happen, "This is so you wont escape with her once shes here and so you don't leave, So what is your decision (y/n)? will you refuse like a fool and suffer or will you be the smart girl I know you to be and take the deal?". they came behind me chaining me on my wrists and neck.

"Tsk!" ....... 'this just turned into a bigger mess then I wanted it to be ... I cant let them have Azu! ... and I cant have them have me ... I cant leave with her and they cant save me from this ... I only have one choice here!'.

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