phase 2

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"Hey what are you doing!?! You cant just walk in here?!?", Baxter was trying to kick us out of his lab but Karai handled him for me while I used his computer to decode the files.

"Shut it dorkenstein im doing my job", I said typing like a mad man.

"Like a pea brain girl is going to decode-",*ding*~ he looked at the screen in disbelief.

"you were saying?", I looked threw the files trying to find what we needed.

"h-how did you! and so fast?!? WHAT DID YOU DO!!", He broke from Karai and stood behind me looking at my work.

"can you not stand so close?", I could feel him breathing down my neck.

"Tell me how you were able to do that so fast when it took me Months to decode it", he said spinning me around and placing his hands on either side of the table pinning me.

"No, now let me finish", I tried to push him off but he surprisingly didn't move then I looked down to see his mousers.

Karai smashed them with her foot and threw him far away from me making him hit a wall, "keep your hands to yourself".

She turned me around and sat me down then took a chair and sat next to me, "don't mind him and keep doing what you need to".

"thanks Riri~", I smiled at her and kept decoding.

He got up and groaned rubbing his head, "why are you protecting her? Riri whats that a pet name". he stumbled and held the wall walking to the door, "Just wait till shredder hears about this ... y-you two will see what happens when you mess with me".

Once he left Karai and I laughed at his empty threat, "I bet I can get this done before he brings back up".

"deal, I bet you won't. Loser has to buy lunch", she said smirking.

"deal, I want a teriyaki beef bowl", I said feeling confident.

While decoding the files I found a few interesting things on the mutants here and about the ones i've housed back at the pits, I deleted the ones they didn't need to know about and saved the info about the Dons people that were turned. 'I still cant believe that hes the Dons son ... I mean I know he didn't like talking about his home life but his dad is a Mob Boss'.

"Oh you found it", Karai looked over my shoulder.

"... yeah I did", I went threw the files and saved them on a drive but before I could remove it she looked it over.

"You found the Son, lets see.  Name; Renzo Vizioso, age;16, also goes by Razz, mutant; Puma. that's all we need for now", Karai said happily taking the drive.

Just in time Baxtor came in with Tiger Claw who look less then pleased, "Oh TC just in time we got it". I walked passed him and karai was right behind me as she tossed him the drive, "See you later we're going to order some teriyaki". Karai waved not looking back at them.

That after noon we were to go out and fine all his people including his son but that was going to be a lot harder for me since Razz and I are close and im doing this to save Azu but now im putting him in danger. 'this is a mess and I don't know what to do'.

"get your head out of the clouds, the girl we need to get should be here soon", Karai tiger claw and I were on a roof top watching where a potential target would show up.

"this should be the Dons wife if im not wrong", Tiger Claw said looking threw binoculars.

"from the info I got shes not all the way there", I pointed at my head.

"some of us are lucky to retain our sanity", tiger claw said letting out a sigh. 

"there's movement coming from the alley way", my ears perked up and so did his.

"freaky how you can hear that" ,Karai said looking at the alley way.

We went down and stalking from the shadows keeping our presence concealed from her, 'shes a cat ... like a domestic one and not exotic'.

I went down first knocking her on the floor while Tiger claw pinned her down and Karai tied her up, "she's not putting up much of  fight". Karai said finishing up the job.

"she's domesticated that's why ... someone's been giving her what she needs from the looks of it", Tiger claw said looking around.

"HEY WHO ARE YOU GUYS!?!", an all to familiar voice called out to us.

'Oh no ... Razz', I pulled on my hood keeping my face out of sight.

"Oh so your the little boy we need to get", Karai attacked him while I put the woman in the Van.

'im sorry Razz ... ill find us a way out of this'.

Once he was captured he was blindfolded and tied up and thrown in the van, "That kids strong, but why is he still human? I thought he was a Puma", Karai questioned looking over at me but I didn't say anything the whole ride there.

"I will report this to Master Shredder, Karai you take the woman to baxter and You, throw him in the dungeon", he pushed Razz my way and I guided him to the cells.

Once we where along I felt so awful and wanted to release him on the spot, "you know I thought you would look cooler in a different color~ black doesn't suit you (Y/n)".

I frowned and slowed my pace, "im sorry". My voice was shaky and I felt like crying but I couldn't let myself.

"Hey come on don't cry, I know you have your reasons ... I can smell Azu's scent on you ... shes here isn't she?", he asked worriedly.

"yeah, they said they would let her go if I .. made a deal and I cant escape with her", I put him in the cell and took off his blind fold.

He noticed the collar on me, "oh I get it now ... when I see an opportunity ill help you with this, you don't have to do this alone".

"thank you Razz but I cant get you involved-"

"this is your problem blah blah, Well sorry but your stuck with me so im helping you even if you don't want the help", he said looking serious and smiled at me.

"don't be reckless ... I have to go but ill try be back", I left him and went to report to Tiger claw.

*      *     *

Razz stayed in the cells but could smell someone close, "did you come here for something".

Karai walked out from the shadows, "I thought it was weird she was quiet the whole way back, What are you to her?".

"why do you care?", he said smirking.

Karai threw a rock at him cutting his cheek, "I will make this Clear, She Is Mine And Mine Alone".

"And ill make myself Clear, I Don't Think Shes Into Girls~ Let Alone Girls Who Are Her Enemy", Razz said in a cold voice. "She is also someone who I care about so don't think I wont fight you for her affections Snake", he spit at her.

"just wait till we hand you over to the Don, Shredder Never Planned On Releasing Her. That Collar~ Its slowly letting her guard down to us and slowly trusting us, its called  'taming collar' and it was a gift from the Kraang~  Lucky us right", she laughed and walked away from him leaving him worried and conflicted.

"Dammit ... I need to get to her soon", Razz slumped against the wall thinking of a way for them to all leave the rest of the night.

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