A Brave Devil

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Angrily, Chloe got in her car and slammed the door.
"This girl is on fire, I think. I like your temper, I really do, but I wonder what Daniel had to do to set it free," Lucifer said.
"That's none of your business," she replied and started the car.
When they arrived the mall, the devil got out of the vehicle before it completely stopped.
"I do not deserve a car ride like this!"
"I'm sorry."
"This was hell, even for me, and you only say 'I'm sorry'?"
"You're right, Daniel's a douche. Are you ready or do you want to continue complaining about my driving style?" she asked.
Stunned, Lucifer watched his partner marching straight into the mall. He had to talk seriously with Daniel.

After waiting for ten minutes, they finally called into Franklin's office.
"How can I help you?" he asked.
"Did you know about Pinter's criminal life style?"
"Yes," Franklin admitted. "That's the reason why I offered the job to him. It wasn't easy for him to find one because of his past."
"Are you sure this part of his life was only his past?"
"What do you mean?"
"We have reasons to believe that he still was a criminal."
"No. He wanted to start a new life, he wanted to become a better man. He wanted to break free."
"Sometimes the people of our past do not let us go, no matter how hard we try," Lucifer said. "Especially if they are a member of the italian mafia."
"Wait a second, mafia?" Franklin asked, obviously horrified.
"You didn't know?"
"No! He told me about robbery and drugs, but not about the mafia!"
"Well, that is not something you brag with, is it?"
"Do you think they killed him?"
"We can't tell you right now, but we'll find out."

Later that day, Lucifer tiptoed into the lab and silently closed the door behind him.
"Is everything ok?" Ella whispered.
"No, it is not! Daniel made a horrible mistake and exasperated the Detective. Stop grinning, Miss Lopez, this is serious! I cannot work with her if she's that mad."
"Why are you telling me that?"
"You have to calm her down."
"How should I do that? I don't know what happened."
"Me neither, but everything I say seem to make her even more angrier. I am begging you, you are the only one who can do that, probably."
"Ella, please tell me you have some new information for me. Lucifer, what are you doing here?" Chloe asked when she stormed into the lab.
"I am working, Detective."
"Aha. Ella?"
The cop and the devil both looked at her, expectantly and pleadingly.
"Um, I'm sorry, the autopsy report isn't ready yet. Did Franklin know about Pinter's criminal life style?"
"Kind of. He didn't know about the mafia."
"Maybe Dan will find something."
"Let's hope so," Chloe pissed off.
"Ok, what's wrong, Decker?"
"Why do you think something's wrong?"
Ella and Lucifer just stared at her. Finally, she told them about Daniel's plans and that he didn't want to tell Trixie.
"What the hell is he thinking?!"
"It's always the same. He wants me to be the bad one."
Hesitantly, the civil consultant cleared his throat.
"Detective, I know it is the wrong time to ask you, probably, but...well, I recognized I have to learn a lot about christmas and..."
"You'll celebrate christmas?" Ella asked excited.
"The Detective's offspring invited me."
"Oh, I would soo like to see it!"
"I am sure of that," Lucifer replied impatient. "Detective, can you show me your christmas traditions?"
Chloe stared at him in disbelief. "You want to bake cookies, write a letter to Santa, watch cheesy movies and sing christmas carols?"
"You know my determination, Detective. I will join you this christmas and that means I want do it right. I do not need a stocking upon the fireplace but I would not say no to cookies. And...maybe we can decorate the christmas tree together?" To his surprise, Chloe hugged him tightly. Questioningly, he looked at Ella. "Did I say something wrong?"
"I think you said exactly what she needed to hear," she said with a wide smile.

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