Trixie's Nightmare Before Christmas

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"Trixie, are you ready? We have to hurry!"
"I don't feel good, Mommy."
"Beatrice, we talked about 'being sick', didn't we?"
"It's the truth!"
Reluctantly, Chloe checked her daughter's temperature.
"You really have a fever. You better stay at home today. I call the school."
"Is everything alright?" Maze asked worried.
"Could you stay with her? She's ill and I can't take a day off, we have a lot of work to do and many of my colleagues are ill too."
"Of course."
After Chloe was gone, Maze made tea for her little friend.
"Be careful, it's hot."
"I hate tea."
"I learned from your mother that you have to drink it when you're ill. It'll help you," the demon said, but the girl defiantly looked away. Maze sighed and put the cup on Trixie's bedside table. "Ok, you don't have to drink the tea. I can tell you a story instead."
"No? But you love my stories. What's wrong, Trix?"
"I hate this day."
"What are you talking about? Today's Friday."
"It's Friday the 13th."
"Don't tell me you're believing such a crap."
"The worst things happen to me on this date, this time I'm ill and the day just started. Besides, my mom works with the devil and my best friend's a demon."
" know it?"
"You shown me your demonic face, remember?"
"I know it wasn't a costume, Maze. Compared to mine it was pretty detailed and I just turned around for a second. And I knew Lucifer's the devil when he told me his name. No normal guy is called Lucifer."
"'re fine with that?"
"Why not? I love you guys. I don't care what you are as long as you're my friends."
"Oh, Trix," Maze said and hugged the girl. "I promise you, I'll always be your friend." She set her free and eyed her seriously. "But you don't have to worry about the date, Trixie. It's nothing special. All these numbers - 7, 13, 666 - they're just numbers. It's human made superstition and Lucifer uses them just for fun."
"He really loves games," Trixie answered.
"You should rest now. And drink the tea."
The demon stayed at the girl's bed until she fell asleep. Silently, she left the room and closed the door.
"Mazie, I heard you're a nurse now?"
"Shut up," she hissed. "You have to stop this silly number game. Trixie's scared because today's Friday the 13th."
"She is right being scared. It is the most devilish date in the year."
"Promise me that she'll never get into trouble on this day anymore. Let it be a lucky day for her. Otherwise, I'll kill you."
"You cannot kill me, Mazikeen."
"I'll find a way."
"Fine. I promise. Against my nature, I will give my holy day as a gift to that brat."
"You're working with humans, you're acting against your nature for years now."
"I am doing what I always do, I punish evil!"
"Sure," she said and hung up.

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