Christmas Eve

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"Thank God you're here!"
"I can assure you, he has nothing to do with that, Detective."
The cop pulled her partner into her apartment and straight into the kitchen.
"And what should I do?" the devil asked when she handed him an apron.
"You can cut the vegetables."
"Why are you so hectic? It is just dinner."
"Just dinner?" she asked hysterical. "I have to cook a three course menu and I don't have time for that. It's the same procedure as every year."
"Will you go to church tonight?"
"You don't have to come with us, Lucifer."
"But I promised you..."
"I know you're uncomfortable with that. Don't worry about your promise, you're free to stay at home."
"Thank you," he said relieved. "I would rather make the dinner."
"All alone?" Chloe asked horrified.
"I am a fantastic cook, Detective."

When Trixie and Chloe came back home, the detective almost got a heart attack. The table was set and dinner was almost done. Lucifer and Maze had even started to clean up the kitchen.
"Detective! You are back in time. The turkey should be ready," a bling sounded, "right now."
"Are we expecting guests?" she asked confused. The table was set for eight people and Lucifer had cooked more than she planned to do.
Before the devil could answer, the door bell rang.
"Surprise!" Daniel, Ella, Linda and Amenadiel yelled.
"Daddy! What are you doing here? What about Charlotte?"
"We decided to split up. Charlotte's with her kids and I'm here with you. You were right, Pumpkin. Christmas is about family. Charlotte and I...well, we're not a family yet," he said and hugged his daughter.
"You didn't brake up, did you?" the girl asked horrified.
"No, Pumpkin."
"I'm so sorry, Daddy. I shouldn't be mad at you and Charlotte."
"Detective, is everything alright?" Lucifer asked worried. His partner seemed to have a mental breakdown.
"You saved Trixie's Christmas Eve," she sniffled.
"Well, as much as I would like to have this praise for myself, I only helped."
"I'm proud of you, Lucifer. You really learned the true meaning of christmas. My whole family is together tonight."
"You mean..."
"I hate to interrupt you guys, but something's started to smell like hell," Maze said.
"The turkey!" the duo screamed in panic and hurried to the oven.
"Thank God it isn't burnt. Alright, take a seat, everybody! It's time for the appetizer."
After a huge dinner, they somehow moved into the living room. While Trixie drank a hot chocolate, the adults drank wine, even the devil. The self-baked cookies stood on the table, the christmas tree beamed and the stockings of the roommates hung upon the fireplace ready to be filled.
"It's time for music now," Chloe said and turned on the stereo system.
"I love this song," Ella said and jumped up to dance with Trixie and Linda.
"I hate this song," Lucifer mumbled and took a sip of his drink.
Chloe smiled satisfied. This was definitely the best Christmas Eve for a long time.
"But now it's christmas. Yes, it's christmas. Thank God it's christmas!"

The next morning, Trixie woke up early. She stormed through the apartment, so her mother had to get up too.
"Merry Christmas, Mommy!"
"Merry Christmas, Monkey."
The girl ran to the christmas tree and looked in her stocking first.
"It's seven in the morning!" Maze complained half asleep.
"She's late this year," Chloe said and grinned because of her roommate's look.
"That's for you," Trixie said and handed the demon a present.
"For me?"
Curious, Maze unwrapped it until she hold a fotograph of her, Chloe and Trixie in her hands.
"It's a daily reminder that we're a family now."
With tears in her eyes, the demon looked at her roommates who smiled at her happily.
"Merry Christmas, girls," she said and hugged them.
"Merry Christmas, Maze."
"Mommy, here's a present for you too," Trixie said and hurried back to the tree. She handed a small box to her mother which was adressed to 'The Detective'. Carefully, she opened it.
"What is it?" Maze asked.
"It's a thumb drive."
"There's a letter."
"Dear Chloe,
Miss Lopez told me about one of her family traditions. Before they start celebrating, everybody has to explain what he's thankful for. Normally, I do not thank my father for anything. But normally, I do not celebrate my half-brother's birthday neither.
So...I am thankful for having you all as my friends. You are the most amazing human beings I have ever met. I cannot imagine to spend christmas time with anyone else than you. And although I am a bit sad that you quit being an actress, I am thankful you became a detective. Not just because we have met because of your job, but this world needs cops like you. Believe me or not, but I know for sure your father is the proudest man in heaven."
Automatically, Chloe looked at the plate of cookies for Santa. Her 'special creation' was gone.
"I did not know what to give to you as a present, so I made something by myself and that was anything but easy! Really, Detective, these 90s hits all sound the same. I do not understand why you do not hear it! I tried to make them sound more like songs. Next year, I will buy you something.
Merry christmas to you and Beatrice,
PS: Please forgive me"
"Please forgive me? What does he mean?" Maze asked.
Before Chloe could complain about her reading the letter, Trixie cheered again.
"Lucifer bought me a new doll!"

Lucifer woke up and a weird sadness spread inside of him.
His phone hummed and a message from Maze told him that both Chloe and Trixie had found his presents. His partner wasn't very pleased with the expensive doll, but couldn't be angry with him neither.
He stood up and went to the bar. To his surprise, there was a stocking lying on his piano, embroidered with his name and several pictures. He had no idea how it had gotten there, but he was pretty sure it hasn't been there when he came home last night.
Curious, he opened it and took out a little card, written and signed by his partner, her child and his favourite demon.
"You never told me you are so damn good at knitting, Detective," he mumbled to himself.
With a slight smile, he searched for more and pulled out some candy and cookies and an envelope. Inside were copies of the photos Chloe, Ella, Maze and he had taken at the department's christmas party. He grimaced when he saw the christmas sweater the women had forced him to wear. He had tried unsuccessfully to hide the penguin. He wanted to put the stocking aside, but there was something else in it: baby blue gloves and a perfectly matching scarf.

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