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On December 20th, Lucifer rang at 8:00 pm, but to his surprise the door was not open by any resident.
"Doctor, what are you doing here?"
"She babysit me while you have fun," Trixie answered.
"Are you saying I'm boring?" Linda asked exaggerated hurt. "Well, it seems like I'll have a bunch of candy for my own tonight. I'm wondering what movie I'll watch."
"You brought candy for a movie night?"
"Of course I did."
"Yayy!" the girl cheered and ran into the living room to prepare everything.
"As a doctor, you should know best that candy is very unhealthy."
"And you should know, that I'm not that kind of doctor."
"Why is Maze not watching the offspring?"
"Because I'll come with you," the demon replied when she and Chloe came down the stairs.
"Don't look like that, Lucifer," Linda reproved. "Maze is a bounty hunter for the LAPD, so she's kind of an employee."
"I'd rather stay at home with my two favourite humans."
"Stop complaining," Chloe said. "Good night, Monkey. Have a nice evening and stay well-behaved. Thank you, Linda. If you need something..."
"...I call you. Have fun!"

"Woohoo!" Ella cheered and threw confetti when the trio stepped out of the elevator.
"Wow," Chloe admired. "You made a great job, Ella."
"Thank you, Decker."
"You decorated the department by your own?" Lucifer asked. He looked around in amazement, there were tons of candles, dozens of christmas lights and the forensic scientist had already threw a lot of confetti, much to the chagrin of the colleagues who had to work.
"Kind of."
"Well done, Miss Lopez."
"Aww, thank you, Lucifer," she said and hugged him. Maze grimaced and took herself a drink.
"You are welcome," he said tensed before Ella finally set him free again.
"We'll be having soo much fun tonight! Oh, I have to deliver my speech. How do I look?"
"Fantastic, as usual," Chloe answered and her friend rushed to the stairs.
"Hey guys! You already found the buffet, so I can tell you about the funny part. There's a fotobox at the lab, you even found some christmas props. Right here, we have the caraoke machine. And no christmas party without gifts, right? So, let the party started!"
"A caraoke machine? Detective, come on!"
"What? No way! If you want me to sing in front of the whole department, you have to make me drunk first."
"She'll sing if she's drunk," Maze confirmed. "But it doesn't sound very good."
"We will do it now!"
Lucifer dragged his partner through the crowd wich was hanging around the buffet and the fotobox.
"Is there any good song for the Detective and me to sing, Miss Lopez?"
"I really don't want to sing!"
"Detective, this is about to have fun, remember?"
"I hate it when you use my words against me."
"Can you stop being so uptight just for one evening?"
"I found it!" Ella said excited. "Nobody will hear you, Decker," she added and pointed at their colleagues.
Maze stood in front of them and grinned, Ella and Lucifer looked at her expactantly. Finally, she sighed.
"Fine, I do it. But I want something in return," she said a little offended and took a microphone.
"Whatever you want, Detective."
"Your song is Hallelujah in the version of Jeff Buckley," Ella proudly announced.
"What?" Lucifer asked horrified. "No! No, not this one!"
"I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the lord, but you don't really care for music, do you?"
By the time Chloe sang, the world around Lucifer disappeared and he nearly missed his part. For 04:16 minutes there were just them and this song. Ella has been right, this was the perfect song for them. He made a mental note to thank her later.

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