Closing The Snowman-Case

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"Did you finally find John's killer?" Guiliana Delunghi asked when Chloe and Lucifer entered the conference room.
"We need your help to finally arrest him."
"How can I help you?"
"You just have to answer a few questions. It has to be someone who knew John had a gun and that he always had it with him no matter where he went. And he has to know which gun it was, of course."
"Because it's missing and it's the murder weapon."
"So, it was planned?"
"No, we think it was an accident," Lucifer said. "Maybe they had an argument. Feelings can let us do crazy things, you know?"
"Additionally, the killer's a very good marksman. John was killed with one shot straight into the heart."
Guiliana swallowed a lump in her throat. Chloe and Lucifer locked eyes, they plan worked.
"Do you know someone, Guiliana?" Chloe asked.
"I...I fear I can't help you."
"You already did. I remember you said, 'none of them would've hurt or killed him'. I believe you. You do not need your family to protect you, do you?"
"That's not what I meant."
"What happened when you met John after his shift?"
"I just wanted to talk with him. We needed his help."
"Who is we?" Lucifer asked confused.
"I'm pregnant," she answered with tears in her eyes. "I begged him to leave the city with me, but he didn't want to. He just said I could handle it by my own. Which man is so cruel to ignore his unborn?"
"Maybe a man who decided to help the child he never was a father to."
"John didn't have a..." Shocked, Guiliana looked from the detective to the devil. "No, this can't be true."
"It is."
"It is a long and unpleasant story," Lucifer said.
"And his second child will start its life in jail. Guiliana Delunghi, I arrest you for shooting John Pinter."

Without making a break, Chloe and Lucifer headed to the interrogation room.
"Why am I here?" the young woman who waited for them, asked annoyed.
"You're a pharmacist, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am, but I can't remember it's a crime," Caroline answered.
"It isn't, but homicide."
"I don't understand."
"Your father wasn't only shot. He was poisoned before."
"You think I killed John? That's insane."
"I do not think so," Lucifer contradicted.
"You had the opportunity to get the ingredients," Chloe said. "And you have no alibi."
"You wanted to punish him, don't you? Let me tell you, that is my job and I do not like it when humans decide to do it."
"You should believe him, he's the devil. I'm sure there are special places for daughters like you in hell?"
"Yes, you're right, I wanted to punish him," Caroline admitted coldly. "My whole life was a mess because of this asshole, and now he let me down again. I wanted him to suffer just like I did. To poison him was the best way to get what I wanted. When you told me he was shot, I was disappointed. John was supposed to die a slow and painful death."
"You obviously hated your father more than I hate mine and that is not easy."
"Caroline Jordan, I arrest you for poison your father John Pinter," Chloe said and put out the handcuffs.

"A disappointed daughter and a heart broken lover. Two independently killer and we cought them both," Dan summed up.
"We can really be proud of us," Lucifer agreed.
"No, we can be proud of you."
"Who are you and what did you do to Detective Douche?"
"We made a great job, but I don't want something like this again," Chloe replied.
They raised their glasses the moment Ella joined them. The forensic scientist smiled from ear to ear.
"Why are you so happy, Miss Lopez?"
"I know what my brother bought me for christmas. I accidentally hacked into his amazon account and..."
"How can you hack into a system by accident?" Dan asked suspiciously.
"I forgot my pasword and I used his instead. I wasn't looking for it!"
"What is it, Ella?" Chloe asked amused.
"It's a new microscope!"
"Congratulations," Lucifer said bored.
"Promise me you'll be surprised when you open it," Chloe ordered and the friends raised their glasses again.

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