A Letter To Santa

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"This is childish."
"It's tradition."
"It is embarrassing."
"Stop complaining, Lucifer."
"I am sorry, Detective, but I cannot take this seriously," the devil said.
"You take nothing seriously."
"I beg you pardon?"
"You know what I mean."
"This is a waste of time," Lucifer decided and put out a note pad. "Writing a letter to Santa - unsuccessful."
"You have a checklist?"
"I am an organized devil. I have to admit, christmas is not that funny as I thought. In my opinion, it is just for children. Detective, where are you going?"
Chloe hurried upstairs. Lucifer was about to follow her but she just came back, a photo album and a box in her hands.
"What is this?"
"The best way to explain christmas to an adult."
She sat next to her partner and smiled when she saw old tree ornaments, candles and figurines of Santa Claus, Frosty and a bunch of angels.
"They look cuter than they are," Lucifer said disgusted.
"Every year, I had a figurine in my stocking. When I found out the truth about Santa, I loved them even more. My Dad made them by himself."
"Your father was pretty talented. And this are photographs of you?" he asked with a mischievous grin and grabbed the album. "Penelope does not seem to have aged a year. But there aren't much photos of you and your toys, Detective."
"Presents never been important to me. I always got some when my parents worked a lot, so they weren't anything special but an excuse of them for not being at home. But in December it always felt like we were a normal family. I know, I complain much about my childhood and I know I shouldn't do it. There are so much children suffering all around the world."
Chloe turned the page and froze.
"I remember this christmas. It was his last one." She searched the box and pulled out a letter. "In the year my Dad died, I wrote a letter to Santa one last time."
"I am sorry, Detective."
"You don't have to. I'll always be sad and angry and I'll miss him 'til I die, but I'm grateful that he was a part of my life. He'll be a part of me forever. I'm thankful for the memories, they' re important."
By now she was crying and Lucifer took the empty sheet.
"What are you doing?"
"I make new memories," he said and wrote his letter to Santa.

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