Presents And Other Problems

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Lucifer desperately listened to one song after another when Amenadiel entered LUX.
"Here I am, Luci."
"You could have hurry, brother. I need your help. What do you think?" he asked and turned on the stereo system.
"I don't know what you're expecting me to do now."
"Which song is better?"
"Those were two songs? They sound exactly the same," Amenadiel said confused.
"They do, don't they? The Detective does not seem to hear it or she simply ignores it."
"You're making a surprise for Chloe? I thought she..."
"...hates surprises, but she loves christmas. Very contradictory, I know."
"This is your emergency? You need help by making a present for Chloe?"
"I will not celebrate christmas with her and her offspring without having the perfect present. Maybe I should buy something for the child, otherwise she will be mad at me and I do not want to know what she will do to me then."
"You'll celebrate christmas with them?"
"For Dad's sake. Yes, I'll do. Is it a problem for you?"
"Not for me, but maybe for Dad."
"I beg you, Amenadiel. Dear old Dad would never punish me for being a good son who celebrates the birthday of his half-brother."
"Please, don't tell me that's the reason why you're doing this." Lucifer hesitated. It had been the reason he had said yes, but something changed. "You're playing with Chloe just because to annoy Dad?"
"I would never play with the Detective's feelings!" The devil had jumped up to threaten his brother with glowing red eyes, but Amenadiel didn't seem impressed.
"Then tell me, what is this about?"
"Maybe I just wanted to be a part of a family for once," Lucifer answered.
Sadly, Amenadiel watched his brother listen to the songs again. He wished his family would be more...normal. No hate between his father and his favourite little brother, no decisions which side he and his other siblings stand at, no lies. Just love and trust.
"Maybe you're right. Being interested in our half-brother and the way humanity celebrate his birthday couldn't be that wrong."
"Does it mean you will join us?"
"I don't know yet."
"Well, if you stay nice, Santa may will give you something as a present too. But for now, you have to excuse me, I have to buy a doll or something like that. Why are you grinning now, Amenadiel?"
"You're scared of a little girl," the angel giggled.
"I am not!" the devil protested.

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