The Solution

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"Let's make a break," Chloe said.
Ella, Dan, Lucifer and her still sat in the conference room. It was already 10 pm, Dan and Lucifer stayed awake because of caffeine and alcohol, Ella slept with her head on the table.
"Come on, guys. Lucifer, would you take care of Ella?"
"Miss Lopez, wake up! I will drive you home."

It was early in the morning, Chloe and the men were already back in the conference room. It seemed like they had never left: documents lay all over the table and they all had cups of coffee in front of them.
"Let's start again," Chloe said.
"This is nonsense, Chloe. How often do you want to do that?" Daniel complained.
Before the detective could reply, they were interrupted by an exhausted forensic scientist.
"I had a dream about the case last night. It's weird, I know, but sometimes such things happen to me and suddenly I have an idea because I can take a look from another perspective."
"What was your dream about?" Chloe asked tired.
"John was shot by his own gun and the shooter took it."
"...pretty far-fetched," Lucifer said.
"No, to me it seems logical," Chloe contradicted. "John always took it with him. It wasn't in his apartment because he was shot at work. He left his apartment in the morning, but he didn't came back. It should've been at the crime scene, but it wasn't."
"I did some research on the internet, the size of the projectiles matched the gunshot wound."
"And did your dream told you who the shooter is?" Dan asked.
"No," Ella admitted frustrated and Dan sighed.
"This case is driving us crazy! Do you finally have an explanation for the lieutenant, Chloe?"
"We have to arrest Caroline Jordan now, before we have to close the case."
"Not so quickly, Daniel," Lucifer said. "If John really was shot with his own gun, the shooter has to be someone who knows how to handle it. Someone who felt disappointed by him. Ladies and Douche, I know who to arrest."

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