You Better Not Pout

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"Monkey, there's a visitor for you," Chloe said.
"Who is it?"
"It's Daddy."
"I don't want to see him."
"Don't you think he deserves a second chance?"
"Hey, Pumpkin. How are you?"
Dan appeared behind Chloe. He looked worried and hurt.
"I'm fine," Trixie said peeved and coughed.
"Maybe I should go, she has to rest."
Chloe nodded sadly and they left, but the girl didn't stay alone very long.
"That's cruel, Trix," Maze said. "I'd be proud of you if he'd be an idiot who just want to use you."
"He betrayed me."
"He's a man."
"He's my Dad! But he decided Charlotte's his family now."
"You're exaggerating, Trixie."
"But I'm not alone," the girl said and ignored the comment of the demon. "You are my family. You, my Mom and Lucifer. I don't need him anymore."

Before Dan could left, he heard the conversation between Maze and his daughter.
"Dan," Chloe pleaded when he stormed out of the apartment. "Dan, she's hurt. She didn't mean what she said."
"Oh, she meant exactly what she said. An it's not fair. She accepts Lucifer as a family member, although he doesn't want to be one, but if I try to be happy for once I'm the bad guy!"
"Maybe because you always blame the others for your problems, Daniel. You blame Lucifer for our break up. You hate him because Trixie invited him for christmas. Your life became hell because of him, doesn't it?"
"Indeed, but you don't seem to care!"
"Why don't you see the good things? Do you remember he was the one who introduced Charlotte to you? If you want to blame him for all your problems, you have to blame him for falling in love with Charlotte too."
Tiredly, Dan sat down on the stairs.
"Don't give up, Daniel, she just needs some time. She will come back to you."
"Why can you be so sure?"
"Because you're her Daddy. No one, not even Lucifer, can change that."
Chloe said goodnight and told his Ex to go home and get some sleep. But the cop hesitated. Tons of thoughts were running through his mind, he loved Charlotte but Trixie was his daughter. He made a big mistake and now he wasn't sure how to set things right.
Desperately, he took out his phone. It rang seven times until it was picked up.
"Detective Douche, I bet this call is a mistake."
"You have to do me a favor, Lucifer."

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