Fiction Or Reality?

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On Saturday, Lucifer, Maze, Chloe and Trixie played Monopoly together.
"You have to take this more serious, Maze. You will lose."
"Don't worry about me," she said with a meaningful smile.
"Monkey, have you written your letter yet?" Chloe asked.
Lucifer frowned. Something was definately wrong. He locked eyes with the detective who seemed to be surprised too.
"You should hurry. You're not the only girl Santa has to make presents for," she said but Trixie just shrugged.
"Is everything alright, Offspring?" Lucifer asked.
Chloe was a little worried her partner used his mojo against her daughter, but Trixie avoided to look anybody in the eyes.
"Chelsea said Santa isn't real."
"I should visit this Chelsea."
"Tell her I am waiting for her."
"She said he's fiction to make parents buy presents for their kids. Is this true?" Trixie asked. Finally, she looked at her mother. The poor child was about to cry.
"It is not important," Lucifer said.
"Of course it is!"
"No. See, you invited me not because of Santa, didn't you? Christmas is so much more than presents, it is about spending time with your friends and family."
The women stared at him in disbelief.
"So, it's true?"
"But that does not mean you do not get presents anymore, Offspring. After we finished the game you will write the letter, ok? And leave a note about Chelsea," he added with a wink.

"Thank you, Lucifer. You saved the situation."
"There is no need to thank me."
"I'm ready, Mommy!"
"Great, Monkey."
"What about your letter, Detective?"
"I'm an adult, Santa won't bring me presents anymore. But I'll make a silent wish instead."
"If Santa just brings presents to children, then why did you force me to write a letter?"
"Because you're the most childish adult I know."
Trixie grinned and ran away to put her letter onto the mantelpiece.
"And what will happen now?" Lucifer asked, still a little upset.
"She has to wait a few days until I take it."
"That is cruel."
"No, it's cruel to steal someone's pudding."
"In my opinion, this is a masterpiece of plunder. Not everybody is able to steal without being catched when he's surrounded by cops."
Chloe sighed and rolled her eyes. Finally, Maze called for watching the movie she chose.
"Santa Buddies? You are kidding, Mazikeen."
"I love this movie!" Trixie yelled and sat next to the demon.
"I will not watch this."
"Lucifer, sat down."
"But, Detective..."
"Maze lost the game, so she was allowed to choose a movie," Chloe insisted.
"But that does not make sense," Lucifer complained.
"It's like a consolation prize," the demon said and grinned at the king of hell satisfied.
"You play very unfair, Mazikeen, and that is, well, unfair."
"And you're a bad looser. Sit down now."
Reluctantly, Lucifer did as he was told. "The next time, I insist on a referee," he mumbled with crossed arms.
"Schtt," Trixie ordered and the movie started.

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