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On Sunday morning, Dan picked up Trixie to spend the day with him and Charlotte.
"Do you have written your letter for Santa yet, Trixie?" the lawyer asked while they baked cookies.
"I did it yesterday."
"That's late, Pumpkin."
"I know. I didn't want to write one because Chelsea said Santa isn't real. But Lucifer helped me to change my mind. Christmas is not about presents, it's about the most important thing of the world: family."
Dan and Charlotte locked eyes.
"Lucifer told you so?"
"Yes. Isn't it true?"
"Of course it is. Don't take too much sugar."
"Daniel, can we talk?" Charlotte asked and pulled him aside. "I know it's hard for you, but you have to tell her."
"I know, but I can't. It would break her heart."
"Do you think it's better she finds out on Christmas Eve?"
"What do I have to find out on Christmas Eve?" Trixie asked. She has followed them into the living room and looked at them questioningly now.
"Nothing, Pumpkin."
"Daddy, it's obvious you're hiding something."
"It's difficult, Pumpkin. Sometimes we have to make impossible decisions. Whatever we do, we can only hurt somebody we love."
"What are you trying to tell me?"
"Charlotte invited me to celebrate christmas with her. I thought a lot about it, because it's really important for me and..."
"You said yes," Trixie interrupted him.
The girl stared at her father, tears ran over her cheeks.
"You promised me no one would ever stand between us."
"You promised me nothing would change after you and Mommy broke up. And you destroyed everything!" she yelled at the lawyer.
"Trixie, we never wanted to hurt you," Charlotte tried to explain, but the girl took her jacket and ran out of the apartment.
"Trixie, wait! Trixie!" the adults called after her, but she didn't stop and before they could reach her she was gone.

Trixie ran, until she was out of breath and collapsed at a park bench.
"Where exactly do you want to go, Offspring?" Lucifer, who suddenly appeared next to her, asked curious.
"How...how did you...?"
"You know I have a few tricks up my sleeve. So, will you answer me?"
"I don't know. Anywhere's better than here!"
"Dad decided to celebrate Christmas Eve with Charlotte instead of me."
"That's why the Detective was so mad these days."
"She knew it?" the girl asked angrily.
"I am pretty sure she had her reasons not to tell you. I know you are disappointed now, but it is no reason to run away. People will always let you down, no matter where you are. Trust me, I know what I am talking about."
"You'll bring me back, won't you?"
"No, I will bring you home. I promised it to your mother and I am sure you do not want me to break my word," the devil said and pushed the child gently to his car.

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