Welcome To The Bakery Deckerstar

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"When will Lucifer come, Mommy?" Trixie asked impatiently.
"Any minute, Monkey. Do we have all ingredients?"
"Eggs, flour, chocolate, butter, milk, chocolate chips, crumble mixture and frosting."
"You're going to bake very unhealthy cookies," Maze noted.
"Christmas cookies are always unhealthy, Maze," the girl explained. "Will you bake your special one again, Mommy?"
"Of course, Monkey."
"What's a special cookie?"
"It's for Santa. No one is allowed to eat it except for him."
"I thought..." the demon started, but she was interrupted by the door bell.
"Lucifer! Come in, we've already prepared everything."
"How many cookies do we bake, exactly?" he asked horrified when he saw the ingredients.
"As many as we can."
"We shouldn't waste time," Maze said and handed him an apron. "Welcome to Hell's Kitchen, Mr. Morningstar."

An hour later, the third batch of baking trays was in the oven.
Lucifer was about to nibble at the fresh baked cookies, but Chloe hit him on the fingers.
"Themselves to blame."
"I just want to try one."
"But I helped baking them, why am I not allowed to eat them?"
"Because they need to cool down and we baked them for Christmas Eve."
"I have to wait until tomorrow? Detective, that is torture."
Chloe smiled. "I guess all parents are torturer during christmas time."
"Your tradition seems a very harsh way to honor my half-brother."
"I thought you don't care about him."
"I do not do that, but I do not think he deserves that, neither."
"And I think you try to make me feel bad just because you don't get a cookie."
"Does it work?"
"Here," the detective said. "But don't tell Trixie."
Lucifer grinned triumphantly. The cookie was still warm and the chocolate inside was liquid.
"Does it taste good?"
"It is not that bad."
"You love it," Chloe concluded. "I have to find a good hiding place this year."

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