Ice, Ice, Devil

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"Will you finally tell me where we are driving to?" Lucifer asked. He wasn't able to see anything because Trixie had blindfolded him.
"Wait and see, Lucifer."
"This is not funny, Detective!"
"You're right," Trixie agreed. "It's hilarious!"
"You two will be sorry for that," he threatened them while his partner and her daughter laughed out loud.
"Have you packed what I asked you for?" Chloe asked after she calmed down again.
"I come straight out of hell, besides we are living in Los Angeles. I do not have warm clothes."
"He'll freeze to death, Mommy."
"Don't worry, Monkey. I've packed some of Grandpa's clothes that should fit him."
"So, wherever we go, I will look like your father?"
"And you'll smell like him," Chloe added with a grin.
The cop and the girl kept making jokes and as soon as the car stopped, Trixie took off the blindfold.
"Tadaa!" she cheered happily.
Lucifer blinked into the sun. They were standing at the parking place of the Pasadena Ice Skating Center.
"Here," Chloe said and handed him a sportsbag. "Devil or not, I'm sure you will need it."

Chloe tried hard to stay cool when Lucifer came out of the changing room.
"You look good," she said.
"I beg you pardon. This is not made for, well, me. This clothes are out of style for a long time now, additionally the trousers are way too wide, the sweater is itchy and I definitely will not wear baby blue gloves and a perfectly matching scarf!"
"You can be happy they aren't pink," Chloe replied. "Stop complaining, the gloves are necessary if you want to keep all your fingers."
Lucifer was about to make a dirty joke but his partner forced him with her eyes to be quiet.
"I'm ready!" Trixie announced. She already had her skates and a helmet on.
"Me too, Monkey. Lucifer, do you need help?"
"Than let's go."
The devil watched the detective and her daughter skating about the ice. They laughed and did tricks and made Lucifer feel a bit out of place. He wasn't a part of this family and he doubted that he ever would be.
"Lucifer? We're waiting for you," Chloe said and tore him out of his thoughts. Her nose and cheeks were red, a few strands had loosened from the braid under her cap and fell into her face now.
"You know what, I buy us some hot drinks. It is pretty cold in here."
"You never did ice skating before, did you?"
"Of course not! There is no rink in hell."
"Put on the skates."
"I thought I made it clear, I am not able to do ice skating," he complained, but he did what he was told.
"And now, stand up," Chloe said and offered him her hands. "And now, do a slow step onto the ice. I said slowly, Lucifer!"
"It looked way easier when you did it."
"I'm skating for years now. My father taught me."
"He did not wore this horrible outfit, did he?"
"Come on, take a step. And another."
"Please, do not tell Maze and Amenadiel of this," Lucifer begged desperately.
"I promise not to tell anybody and I will make Trixie to promise it as well."
"Thank you, Detective."
"You seem to be a natural. Look, we already crossed half the rink."
"Indeed," the devil marveled, but he still seemed to be very stressed out.
"As soon as we cross the other half, you can buy us hot drinks."
"Well, I have no choice but to cross this bloody rink, have I?"
"No," Chloe said with a slight smile.
"Lucifer, we want to bake cookies tomorrow," Trixie announced when she stopped next to them. "Will you come?"
"Of course I will, Offspring. Like I told your mother before, I do not say no to cookies," he answered with a wink.

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