Chapter 6

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Reluctantly, I force myself up.
"Asshole.." I say quietly, heading to my closet. Not caring about whatever food item he decided to buy, I rummage through my closet before taking out a pair of blue, ripped jeans.
Making sure Ricky had turned on the water, I quickly change...VERY quickly. After buttoning up my jeans, I soon rummage through my closet once again in search for a top.
"How the fuck do I struggle with this already?" I whisper, continuing to search my closet.
After 2 more minutes, I soon pull out, what I call, the forbidden hoodie. The forbidden hoodie is the "lucky sweatshirt" I decided to wear on my auditions for Gabriela. Not caring, I slip it on before grabbing the brush on the desk and brushing my hair out throughly.
It wasn't until the sudden knock on the door that took me told a halt. Putting down the brush, I make my way to door and look through the peep hole.
"What is Sh..." I say quietly as I open the door. "Hey. Mrs...Bowen.."
"Oh.. Nini? You go here?" She asks, concerned
"Heh...yeah. Um..what are you?.."
"I must've gone to the wrong dorm," she cuts in, "Just looking for.."
"Mom?!" I hear Ricky from behind me. "What are you doing here?"
Turning around, I see Ricky, in nothing but a towel, causing me to return my gaze to his mother.
"You forgot your other bag I was ju-.....are you two? I-" she cuts off before making her way through the door, pushing me out of the way.
"C..come in.." I say quietly as she does so.
"Ricky! What are you doing in her room?" She whisper shout, walking quickly up to her son. "I knew you were going to be talking to girls but...your ex? I swear...if you..." she sighs, "you didn't do the...'no glove no love' did you?!"
"Uhm..Mrs. Bowen that's not w-"
"What?! Mom no!" Ricky replies, "look I-it's a long story but there's nothing going on between us. H-how'd you know my dorm?"
"Oh honey, I know everything. But the real question is why are you in her room..or she in yours..or whatever!?" She questions loudly, dropping what I'm guessing was his bag. "And why are you practically naked?!"
"I just got out of the shower...Mom you can leave now!" He responds, pointing at the door.
"Answer my question!"
"We're roommates and we can't do anything about it. Wait...did you fly here!?"
Awkwardly...I shut the door as quietly as possible.
"What do you mean you can't do anything about it?! And yes I did fly here," quietly, but loud enough for me to hear, she says, "I don't want you to share a room with a girl...let alone your ex that you didn't seem to happy about when you broke up.."
Confused but angered, I back up a bit.
"We just can't do anything about it Mom! Now can you go? Thank you but leave. Please!?" He shouts.
       "Fine. We are talking about this later." She replies, turning herself back around and walking towards me.
      "Interesting to see you again Nini." She says as she opens the door. Before I can say anything else, she slaps the door with passion, causing me to roll my eyes and take my attention on Ricky, still standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist.
     "Must've told some interesting stories about me.." I say quietly, locking the door.
     "Can..can we just ignore that whole...conversation.." he asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
     "Yeah. Once you put on some clothes." I say, noticing how his structure managed to go from stick to average workout guy. "But glove, no love?!"
     "Shut up. My mom is just..that way," he begins, opening his suitcase, " I going to have a closet of my own or..share with you?"
    "I uh..yeah I think I have some space. Go ahead." I say, sighing. "Wait did you actually say bad stuff about me? Or does your mom not like me in general because I swore when your mom baked those cookies for us that she liked me."
     "I..well I was. Y'know.. angry? Fucked up? I don't know. Sorry about that, and yeah I thought she liked you too." He says, beginning to put his clothes in the closet.
Grabbing my backpack, I walk over to my desk and grab my books before heading towards the door.
"Did you eat?" He asks, putting on his shirt.
"No. Thanks but I'm not hungry." I reply, grabbing my water bottle.
"What? You always said that you couldn't leave without breakfast," He remembers that..but not the one night? "Just take it to go."
Reluctantly, I walk over to the table before grabbing the bag.
"Which cup is mine?" I ask.
"Uh...I think the one on the right?" He responds, coming over dressed in a new suit.
"Are you blind? They're diagonal."
"Oh then it's the one closest to you." He says, grabbing the one by him.
"What did you get? Oh. This your Boston creme?" I ask, taking the smaller bag out of the bigger one.
"Yeah. The rest is yours." He responds laughing, "I hope your still into number 4."
"Uh. For sure. Thanks." I lie. "Can you just get me a muffin next time?"
"What?" He says, biting into his donut. "Do you prefer a muffin over that now?"
"Yeah. Just..dieting."
"Dieting? Nini if you diet, it'll look like you have a eating disorder. Here." Taking a piece of his donut off, he stuffs it into my mouth. "Bam. Good right? Can't ever go wrong with a donut."
"Yeah," I say swallowing the piece. "It's really sugary though... damn." How can he act so normal? Is he okay? Especially after his mom just barged in thinking we had sex?
   "I'm going to go. I have class in a bit." I say awkwardly, taking my coffee and food. "I'll be back probably around 11."
  "It may be my first year at college but I know that no class last that long." He responds, taking a sip of his coffee.
  "I um, I'm going to go to Library."
  "It doesn't open till 7:15" Jesus Christ. How does he know this?
  "I'll walk around campus." I say quickly, opening the door.
   "It's still pretty dark out." He replies, stopping me once again.
   "I'm just going to leave!" I shout, walking out the door.
  "Alright. Have a nice day!" I hear him shout from behind me, food in mouth.

Okay, I haven't told this but after every 5 chapters I tend to take a break that's why I didn't post yesterday. So if I'm missing a day, it means I'm taking a break or doing an extra long chapter. The best part of that is that you will soon find out which one.

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