Chapter 86. Trust. Was It Ever There?

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"Hello? Ricky?" A voice I haven't heard much of says over the line.

"Not Ricky." I answer, keeping my voice calm. "Skye, why are you calling Ricky? He does not want to talk to you."

I hear her mumble something, but it was inaudible.

"Where is Ricky?" She questions. "Why are you answering his phone?"

"I'm his girlfriend," I scoff. "What would it matter to you?"

"I called him for a reason. An important reason actually so I'd appreciate if you would hand over the phone. I know your upset with me and my family, but this is important."

"If it's so important than I'm sure you can tell me and maybe, just maybe I'll pass on the message." Ricky must've been in contact with her. Of, fucking, course.

"This isn't funny. Nini, hand over the phone. You're playing the bad guy here."

I find myself scoffing once more. I was never the bad guy. I will never be the bad guy.

"You and Ricky have clearly been in contact. Why?" I ask sternly.

I hear her sigh over the phone, earning a small smirk from me. What could honestly, be so important? Why the fuck have they been in contact?

"It's..none of your business. You seem like one clingy ass girlfriend considering the fact that you have his phon-"

"Didn't you and your whole fucking family just hunt him down and almost kill him? All because he broke up with your psycho ass?"

"oh my god, I have a reason for everything, now please. I'm begging you, hand over the phone. I didn't mean any harm against you or your family don't you understand that?"

"No!" I cover my mouth in regret. I can't raise my voice, not with Ricky in the other room. I remove my hand and take a deep breath before lowering my voice. "No. I don't understand that. I was put in the mother fucking hospital. Those bills pay up don't you think? And my family is going through shit that you wouldn't even Ima-"

My family. How the fuck did she know about it?

"How did you know my family harm?" I question way softer than I anticipated.

I hear her stutter over the phone, answering my question.

"It was Lachlan, wasn't it? Did he want fucking revenge? Huh?" I walk out of the bathroom and open the door to the hallway and shut it behind me. "What is up with your sick, poisoned family!?"

"What the fuck are you going on about? My brother is still in bloody jail! I don't even know what bull shit your going on about!"

I raise a brow.

"Oh please, so your telling me that you don't know that your brother has been bailed out a couple of weeks ago? What bull shit, why the hell did he set my home on fire!?"

"My brother has been what?" She sounds genuine.

"Lachlan? He's been bailed out." I pause. "Wait so you don't even know anything about Lachlan? Or my house?"

I move out of the way for someone to walk past me in the hallway.

"No..I don't." She seemed taken back, hurt almost. "Looks like we're finding new things out everyday huh?"

"I-..what do you need? Why are you calling Ricky?" I force myself to ask.

"It's a situation that you're not involved in, it's a private thing. I'm sorry I need to go." The phone hangs up abruptly, causing me to turn off the phone in confusion. I hold the phone at my waist as I open the hotel door.

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