Chapter 95 Things Among Things

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  "Mm. Christmas morning. Nothing better." I grin, taking my hair out of its bun. "Babe what do you want to do today?"

"Well," he says, "we can always visit your family. Say hi or something."

"Eh," I laugh, "we'll see."

I wash my plate and dry my hands with a red and white hand towel.

"Want to go on a walk?" He asks, sitting down at the table. "Just chill for a little bit?"

"You really mean chill huh? It's cold as hell out there."

"Ugh but it's so nice and pretty."

"Oh so am I not pretty enough to satisfy your needs?" I joke. I put the towel down and find Ricky looking at me, pouting. "What?"

"How dare you accuse me of such thoughts?" He says offended. He stands up and goes over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You will always satisfy me. Every little thing about you will always make me happy. Everything you do is magic my love."

I roll my eyes and grin. I cup his face with a hand.

"The real question though," he raises a brow, squeezing me tightly, "is if I satisfy you."

"In which ways? I can name several."

He smirks. "I appreciate you boosting my ego in bed."

"Who said anything about us in bed?" I find myself joking again. "I meant like, looks and..personality..not..y'know..our sex life."

He actually pulls back in offense, causing me to laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. I pull his head into my chest and continue to laugh.

"I'm kidding, I'm just kidding baby. You're amazing."

"Yeah yeah, I don't believe you now. Fucking making me insecure," he mutters. I roll my eyes and push his head up.

"I'm joking Ricky." I plant a kiss on his lips and eventually trail down to his jawline. Softly, I send several, if not tons of small pecks down his neck.

"Nini I-.." he seemingly groans out. I hum in question but continue my small motions, full on knowing that he doesn't want me to stop. His hands once again wraps around my waist but doesn't move any further more than that. "I..uh."

"How about," I pull away from his neck with a slight grin. "You show me whether or not you can satisfy me?"

Eager exposes through his eyes.

*Flash Forward*
"Gina, you don't understand," I scoff as I pace around my dorm room, "it's been a week. He isn't coming back to me any time soon."

"Then go to him. Find him or something." She sighs. "EJ hasn't had any luck finding him. He turned everything off Neens."

"He doesn't want me finding him. He did everything for a fucking reason and all I want is to just know what it is. Did I do something wrong!?"

"Come on, don't say that. Seriously, and so what? So what he left you again? You're better without him."

I sit down on my bed and rub my temple.

"I just..I don't feel complete without him. I want to know what I did wrong, that's all."

No tears were going to come out, that I know. I cried my eyes out a couple days ago for like..hours straight and at this point, none were to come out any time soon.

"You didn't do anything. Don't think you did please."

"I-..right. I'm um, I'm going to go."

"Something wrong?" I hear almost slap herself. "I-..well there is something wrong but I mean-"

"I just need to head to glass Gina. Don't worry about it."

"It's..11 PM?"

"It's 8 for me. Remember? I'm in Cali and you are in Florida."

"Right. Right," she slightly laughs, "right. Sorry, still getting used to this stuff."

"Don't worry about it. Stay safe G."

"You too. Night."


I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket. I state around the empty room and quickly find my eyes on the blanket on the floor. I kept it there hoping that maybe I would see his face again. I haven't. At least not for a week and I know I shouldn't be acting as if he didn't leave for 3 years but I mean..he..he didn't have a reason for that either..fuck.

I grab my backpack off of the ground and push myself of the bed. I take my key out of my back pocket and leave, locking the door behind me.

Going down the flights of stairs and through the back lawn, I see the beginning of lanterns. I quickly get confused as I had no clue that they started to early.

I ignore it and quickly make my way to class, continuing to rub my temple.

"Kant, calm down." I buckle my seatbelt and look around the airplane.

"I'm calm I don't know what you're going on about brother." He fixes his make America Great Again hat on his head and puts on his seatbelt.

"I know that you probably want Skye with us right now."

"I do, and so what?" He sighs, "we're already here. Can't change shit."

"Mm. Yes sir. Can't change a thing..well," I chuckle, "I can, and I did."

"What do you mean?"

"What actually made you think we would go to Chicago?"

He raises a brow. "The fuck are you talking about?"

"I know you aren't a big one on reading but I suggest you read your ticket for once."

He scoffs as he takes his ticket out of his back pocket. He peers at it but shows no emotion.

"What the fuck are we going to do in San Diego?"

All of the chapters except 100 are starting to run through y'all :)

Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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